Monday, March 21, 2011

Saying Goodbye

Our last day of Switzerland was set aside for packing and cleaning. First we all needed one more outing. So after one last bath,
we headed to a new park that Mike and Katherine had found the night before. It was beautiful and warm, and most importantly (to me) it was right on the water.

Ellie just likes to play in the dirt

Katherine wanted a picture with her "antlers"

On the way home I took a few pictures of St. Prex.

Elementary School

Wouldn't it be fun to live in one of these buildings?

After our last little outing (besides a trip to the grocery store for LOTS of chocolate), it was time to get down to business. We spent the rest of the day packing and cleaning. Packing to come home wasn't too hard - it was just a matter of fitting everything we had into our suitcases. Mike and I finished cleaning after the girls went to bed.

Thursday morning we woke up early to catch the 6:40 bus. We BARELY made it. Other than the sprint to the bus, the trip home was relatively uneventful. I was very sad to leave our little town. I cried on the train ride to Geneva. Our second flight was 11 hours, but thankfully we had the bulkhead so that the girls could have some space to move and wiggle. My wonderful sister-in-law, Becky, picked us up from the O'Hare airport. Sadly, Katherine got car sick and threw up twice. In our family throwing up in the car is slightly traumatic, but if anything gets on a "blankie" it becomes VERY traumatic. Luckily Katherine had her cousin Hope to distract her. It was nice to finally crawl into our cozy beds after our 20 hour trip home.

1 comment:

  1. What an amazing month! So glad you shared it with all of us.
