Thursday, February 21, 2013

Thanksgiving-Christmas-New Years

We went to Iowa for Thanksgiving.  Dad has the best trampoline!

Look who got a long quickly!

Cousins Saffi and Violet with Ada

Cousin Jasper

At the coolest farm ever!

A corn pool, yes that is corn!

Back in Texas for Christmas

Oma and Opa came to visit from California for Christmas!

Ada loves being with Opa

Yes, that's right!  Christmas day in shorts and flying kites!

Ben teaching Oma to play the uke

Papa came to spend New Years with us!

Ada helped bake bread!

One of her favorite things to do is play with rocks.

Cheney Family

These were taken last October, but I realized I never posted them!  Ooops.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Pumpkin Time

 We went to a small pumpkin patch and picked out a pumpkin.  Ada loves hugging pumpkins and we are excited for her 2nd Halloween! 

Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Pink Trike

 Ada loves playing/pushing her pink trike.  It was given to her by some sweet friends on her birthday.  We play every morning outside and she loves playing with her trike.  She will let me put her on the seat and push her around, but mostly she likes to push it herself.  She loves it!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Nature Walk

 Ada I went on our first real nature walk.  We went to the park and searched for cool things in nature.  We found a cool stick with a curly vine wrapped around it, a pine cone, and a cool nut looking thing.  Afterwards Ada found the bike rack a lot of fun to walk through.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Our littler Helper

 Ada is becoming quite the helper in our home.  These are some of the things she loves to do to help.
Help put away daddy's tools
Help take out the trash

Help daddy borrow the spreader

Help keep the milk safe while grocery shopping

Help mommy sweep the floor (she actually does a great job at dumping the dust pan contents in the garbage)

Monday, September 3, 2012

Bouncin' Bear

One of our favorite free places: Bouncin' Bears!

Ada loves playing on all of the bounce houses

She is in love with slides these days

Friday, August 24, 2012

Happy 1st Ada

 We had a fun Neon birthday party for Ada.  She loved her cupcake and frosting. 

Neon Birthday Party

"I spent my first year sleeping"