Wednesday, April 16, 2014


My friend, Amy, took these of Katie a couple weeks ago and I LOVE them.  I think she captured her happy and fun personality.  Also, we did not show Katie how to pose in any of these except the one where she's lying down in the flowers.  For some reason, when I tell her to do a cute smile, she'll put her hands up by her face, so that's why there are a couple like that. :)  Jacob said this first one is his very favorite picture of her ever.   I can't decide on a favorite; I think they're all beautiful.


A few highlights on Katie at age three:
  • Height: 38" (70th%)
  • Weight: 29 lbs (29th%)
  • Favorite foods: raspberries, applesauce, yogurt, cheese, chocolate
  • Favorite songs: Let It Go, Give Said the Little Stream, I Am A Child of God
  • Favorite movies: Tinkerbell, Tangled, Frozen, Finding Nemo
  • Favorite things to do: color, play at the park, read books, watch movies, play with friends
  • Sleeping: takes one (2-3 hour) nap almost every day; sleeps about 10 hours at night 
  • She has been day-time potty trained for several months now and wears a pull-up for sleeping. 
  • Katie is in a very curious stage and loves to ask questions about everything.  She is also learning the art of negotiation and testing our parenting skills. :)
  • Best Friends: Ada, Tylee, Stockton, Luke
  • She can be stubborn, which Jacob says she gets from me, ha! 
  • She shies away from strangers and does not like to be touched by other kids or adults.  When her little friends try to give her a goodbye hug, she pushes them away.  She'll usually only cuddle with us at bedtime or while watching a movie.  But she's getting better at giving us more hugs and kisses. 
  • She has an amazing memory and will sometimes talk about something we did last year without our prompting her.  Or she'll bring up something we said one time and didn't think she was listening. 
I am thankful every day that I get to be Katie's mother.  Of course there are days where she tests my patience and I want a break, but I am grateful to be able to stay home with her and teach her.  I know there are many women who long to be mothers or to stay home with their children, and I never want to take that for granted.  It's hard for me to remember what my life was like before she was born.  As the saying goes, "The days are long, but the years are short."  That's how I've felt lately, and I'm trying to soak in every moment of being with her.  She is a bright light in my life, and I'm excited to see her learn and grow this year.  


Matt and Haley said...

Gorgeous pictures! I love Katie's blue and red dress.

Erin said...

okay I'm a stalker but not a crazy one. We have two things in common. Sheena Lee and adoption. Sheena was my roommate in college and I have a sweet adopted son. When we started the process Sheena referred me to your blog years ago to help me. Your story is fun, and you have such a sweet family.
Anyway...I check in from time to time to see how things are going. I just wanted to comment that I LOVE that your 3 year old doesnt like to be touched or hugged. It made my heart smile! I have a 2 year old who has the same thing going on. hahahaha silly kids.

abo-bder said...

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شركة شحن عفش من الرياض الي الامارات-دبي
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فني تركيب ستلايت بالرياض