
Showing posts with label stitching and sewing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stitching and sewing. Show all posts

Monday, 10 January 2011

New year - new hobbies Felt Biscuits by Ouissi Gresty

It's a time of year when people vow to try taking up a new hobby - and apparently it's National Hobby Month - so here's the first of a small number of craft book reviews to perhaps get you started on something new -

Felt Biscuits by Ouissi Gresty

Knitted and felted food has so far been a passion that's by-passed me a little but looking through this book has really tempted me to have a go. From felt, thread and wadding Ouissi Gresty has created real, melt in mouth looking biscuits but ones you won't actually want to eat. Guilt-free biscuits! - what could be better.

The actual size of the book may be small - about 17cm square, 80 pages - but contains all the information you need. Equipment, techniques, detailed instructions and accompanying photographs of all the stages, cutting out, surface decoration, sewing together, stuffing - everything is covered. You'll discover how to make your very own felted biscuits - a range including bourbons, shortcake, custard creams - with a felted 'tin' and even the tray that goes inside the tin!

The special thing about the How2Crafts series, though, is that, having made your items, you can post them to the How2 website, share your thoughts on the making process and maybe be lucky enough to have photos of your work included in later editions of the books. I might even submit one myself!

Publisher - How2crafts
Genre -
Adult's Non-Fiction - but easily within the ability of nimble-fingered teenagers and possibly younger children with some basic sewing experience

Felt Biscuits: A Full-colour, Step-by-step, Photographic Guide to Making Classic British Biscuits and a Biscuit Tin from Felt is available from Amazon or direct from the How2crafts website where an e-book version is also downloadable.

Monday, 20 December 2010

Christmas Things to Stitch and Sew - Usborne Activities

Children off school for Christmas (or snow day)? Can't do all the things you'd planned because of the weather? Didn't buy decorations/cards before the snow hit? You need a book like this! One of Usborne's many activity books just right for this time of year.

I know this is a re-post but it seems appropriate for this week.

Ready for Christmas

Review by Maryom

Yet another wonderful children's craft book from Usborne - this time with the emphasis being on stitching and sewing things for Christmas - like the DIY stuff, Usborne books do what they say on the tin (or cover).
As always, there's a wide variety of projects, aimed at a range of skills and ages. There are gift tags, christmas stockings, cute stuffed penguins and snowmen. Projects for decorations, or to give as presents to family and friends. Some of the simpler ones - tree cards or sparkly decorations - have very little sewing involved, so are good for beginners. Others - gift bags or snowflake chains - offer something slightly more challenging for those with more experience.

Don't worry if you feel unsure about your own sewing skills, there's a guide to stitches and sewing on buttons and sequins at the back of the book so, if necessary, you can brush up your skills first before involving the children.

I love Usborne craft books - Christmas Fairy Things to Make and Do, bought when my teenager was much smaller, still comes out regularly when we're in need of inspiration. Christmas Things to Stitch and Sew is an absolutely brilliant craft book which I'm sure you'll find just as useful for many, many years!

Maryom's review - 5 stars
Publisher - Usborne
Chilren's Books
Genre -
Children's Craft Activity

Buy Christmas Things to Stitch and Sew (Usborne Activities) from Amazon