Looking round our bookshelves, mainly at the TBR pile, I discovered
Canada - Jan Markley - Dead Frog On The Porch (children)
Sweden - Jan Guillou - The Birth of the Kingdom (historical fiction)
France - Françoise Sagan - Engagements of the Heart
Nigeria - Ken Saro Wiwa - Lemona's Tale
Spain - Javier Cercas - The Speed of Light
which is a fairly good start
then saw someone talking about Arto Paasilinna - The year of the Hare - so one from Finland (and from the library)
I picked up Alice Walker's the Color Purple at Bookcrossing. I've never read this so should make a good one for USA
Gav Reads at My Favourite Books recommending Camilla Lackberg - Swedish crime writer
Nicky at Absolute Vanilla suggested Spud by John van der Ruit, from South Africa
Nayuleska at Nayu's Reading Corner is running a Manga Reading Challenge - so as I've never read ANY and after some advice from Nayuleska about where to start, I'm hoping to track some down to read.
I also intend to include Shopaholic attends un bebe - the French version of Shopaholic and baby which my elder daughter bought for me in Paris.
I'm still looking for ideas so if anyone has any offerings I'd be interested - preferably from different countries to those already covered.
Have discovered a blog holding an Argentinian reading challenge for which I've signed up
http://argentinareadingchallenge.blogspot.com/ Fortunately it has some suggestions of what to read.
At last have started reading my way round the world!
The Year of the Hare by Arto Paasilinna - Finland
Please Look after Mother by Kyung-Sook Shin - Korea