
Showing posts with label Sean Taylor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sean Taylor. Show all posts

Friday, 26 July 2013

We Have Lift Off by Sean Taylor

Illustrated by Hannah Shaw

Review by The Mole

Farmer Tanner doesn't care about the pollution he makes and the impact it has on others. A clever pig decides to build an intergalactic space rocket so the animals can escape to a clean start in space somewhere. A few test flights don't go according to plan until an impromptu flight seems to solve all their problems... but what for for everyone else?

This most delightful book has colour in abundance on every page and lots of words to read. It's a sort of crossover from the early reader to the more confident reader and contains a couple of very important environmental messages - anti pollution and recycling.

An excellent book both from the illustrations, which fill every page with colour and humour, and the story, which is simple and silly but so very poignant in it's message.

To read to youngsters, for youngsters to read aloud or for youngsters to read to themselves. Although it could be used as just a picture book it is so much more than that.

Publisher - Frances Lincoln
Genre - Children's, picture book, Early Reader
Buy We Have Lift-Off! (Time to Read) from Amazon

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

A Waste Of Good Paper by Sean Taylor

Certainly Not!
Review by The Mole

Jason has been excluded from mainstream education and goes to Heronford school now. Heronford is for children with emotional and behavioural problems. As children improve they are gradually returned to mainstream education and Jason is the only one in his class without a mainstream school. Pete, one of the teachers, gives him a book in which he is to write anything he wants to and there is only Jason that will read it - Jason thinks it's a waste of good paper.

Someone asked me if something happens... but you know? Not really but yes everything. It's difficult to say but I felt like I really knew Jason and we get to understand why he has the problems he has. Pete is a very hands on sort of guy and uses physical contact to reward good behaviour... sort of a High Five but nothing like and you can believe and really feel that the kids react to his methods.

This book is so much NOT a waste of good paper and I would love to tell you why but that would involve spoilers.

If I say that I enjoyed this book then I am guilty of understatement but why I found it so good I cannot really explain - it just is. Jason is a really nice kid that has needs and the people to fulfil those needs can't see it because they have issues of their own.

Please take it from me that this is one helluva book.

Publisher - Frances Lincoln
Genre - Children 10+ Fiction

Buy A Waste of Good Paper from Amazon