
Showing posts with label Chris Nickson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chris Nickson. Show all posts

Monday, 15 July 2013

Emerald City by Chris Nickson

Review by The Mole

"Seattle, 1988. When musician Craig Adler dies of a heroin overdose, music journalist Laura Benton wonders if there’s a story behind the death. After all, his band, Snakeblood, was set to be the first of the new Seattle bands to sign a major record deal. And everyone said he’d been clean for months. As Laura digs, the threats start. She’s onto something, but she doesn’t know quite what it is, or the danger it will bring her into…"

Chris Nickson is the author of the Richard of Nottingham Mysteries - I have reviewed and enjoyed At the Dying of the Year. But be warned this is different. VERY different. Laura has a passion and that passion is music. There are many references in the story to bands and artists - some real and some fictitious - and I don't share that passion - so many of the references meant little or nothing to me - but that's not the point because if you just roll with it, it just reinforces the passion of the characters - and left me wishing I had been more in the music scene in my youth.

You develop expectations of how the plot will go but you are wasting your efforts - just let it proceed, don't try to anticipate it and you will enjoy the story as much as I did. And the characters... each one of them comes alive in their own way - I was rather surprised by Laura whose point of view the story is told from.  I have read many books, written by both male and female authors, where there is a female lead and in so many of the books I have to keep reminding myself that the lead character is a woman/girl but Nickson has done something with Laura that meant I never did have to remind myself. From Anna, the lesbian petrol head, to Steve, Laura's boyfriend and wannabe rock star, each one is a rounded character that I understood and either liked or didn't (in the case of the drug dealer).

Did I enjoy it? Yes, immensely and the ending was so right... even if it was a little disappointing. Would someone pass Laura a hankie please?

Publisher - Creative Content Limited
Genre - Murder Mystery

Buy Emerald City: 1 (Laura Benton mystery) from Amazon

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

At the Dying of the Year by Chris Nickson

Review by The Mole

"Leeds, 1733. Three children are found dead in a disused bell pit, their bodies battered and bruised, each of them stabbed through the heart. Fear, suspicion and violence tear at the city as Richard Nottingham, John Sedgwick and Rob Lister hunt a ruthless child-killer. The Constable is certain he knows who's behind the murders, but his efforts to bring the killer to justice brings a blow that strikes right at his own heart."

Nottingham has only just returned to work after serious injury and is still very frail but he must also face the added frustration of class and wealth causing credibility issues with witnesses as he struggles to get the proof necessary to try the people he believes to be the culprits.

Although there are four previous Richard Nottingham stories, this is the first I have read. I found it to be extremely entertaining and I felt Nottingham's frustrations as Nickson portrays them so graphically. And when the end of the book comes all too quickly around, I have to admit that I did not like the ending. It certainly wasn't what I expected but Nickson carries it off very well and I found myself frustratedly accepting the ending he wrote.

It is not a 'whodunnit' but a crime thriller and one that really does thrill. I shall certainly be looking out for more from Nottingham and his crew - hopefully with a new mayor as I didn't like him one bit **nasty man**.

Genre: Adult Historical Crime Thriller
Publisher: Creme de la Crime

Buy At the Dying of the Year (Richard Nottingham Mysteries) from Amazon