review by Maryom
Mati, the Tygrine Cat, is back in another exciting adventure.
A fearsome danger has come to Cressida Lock and the only way for the Cressida cats to stay alive is to run away!
The Suzerain, ruler of the Sa Mau cats, having failed in his attempts with an assassin from the mortal world, decides to raise one from Fianey, the spirit half-dream world of cats. Three lost cat souls are morphed together and sent to hunt Mati down. To defeat them Mati must venture further in to Fianey than he has before, visiting the three realms that exist there - Harakar, the chaos that existed before Te Bubas, The First Cat, walked the Earth - Sienta, the limitless desert where she was born and the meadows of Ra'ha where all cats live on in memory.
The Tygrine Cat On The Run is a wonderful, enthralling story that takes the reader on an amazing adventure - both by foot and ship through this world and through the cat spirit world. It's full of action and excitement but there are tender, heart-rending moments too - I suspect a lot of readers won't reach the end dry-eyed. Thoroughly recommended whether your children are cat lovers or not.
Maryom's review - 5 stars
Publisher - Walker books
Genre - children's fantasy adventure. 9+
Buy The Tygrine Cat: On the Run
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