Friday, January 1, 2016

One Word for 2016 Linkup

Do you have a word you have chosen for the New Year?  Many find a word more attainable and doable than a resolution.  If you have picked one, link it up below.  If you have not, read what has been shared and perhaps you will be inspired!  :-)

I have shared my One Word in the first spot below.  Happy New Year!!!!

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Chris said...

Thank youmy friend!

Cannot believe it's time to focus on 2016!

God bless!!

Marie Beausoleil said...

I don't have a post yet - working on it. My word for the year is GROW! Since I'm building an online business and building a homestead, it's a good word, don't you think?

Leah Courtney said...

Thank you for hosting the link up. I was looking for a place to link up my word! :-)

Unknown said...

Thanks for hosting! I found you at the Modest Mom Blog.

Lexie Robinson

Joelle said...

I love the new look Lisa!

Michele said...

Thanks Lisa! Happy New Year!

Unknown said...

Just wanted to say thank you for hosting!

~a homemaker said...

Thanks for hosting the link-up. I always find it encouraging to read the choices of others.

Kylie said...

Thank you for hosting, love all of the variety in focus for the year ahead.