Sunday, January 20, 2008


A box full of drawings, letters, and other interesting tidbits about our cousins!

Where's the cousin box? Want to get it going again?


Jaime said...

We have it. It was a lot of fun receiving it in the mail. I wasn't sure if everyone wanted to keep it going or not, we're happy to start it again- does everyone want to participate? It is a great way to keep the cousins in touch!

Shayne said...

I think it would be a lot of fun! Let's get the ball rolling again! :)

Whitney said...

Let's do it!

Kacie said...

sounds good to me!

Kenna said...

I have no idea what you guys are talking about. Is this a real thing?

RP said...

Kenna--it's a box we started sending around last year to the cousins of letters, drawings, stickers, anything you want to put in. The ideas is to have it sent to everyone in the family by the cousins to stay in touch with each other. That is probably why you don't know what we're taking about. We didn't exclude you, you just don't have any kids to send it to since it is from the kids! Hope that makes sense.

Kenna said...

hmmmm. Interesting. Whatever.

Anonymous said...

Maybe kenna could be included as the "favorite Aunt" contributer?? J/K. Sound fun to start up again to mua!

Jaime said...

Who is snow?