Showing posts with label writing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label writing. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 1, 2020


Hello Lovelies!
Again it has been awhile since I've written, there will be a day that I will be consistent. I hope everyone has been staying safe this holiday season. I know with my kiddos we have been social distancing and it has been making teaching different. I will give my kiddos credit they have been real troopers with coming into the building. I will not argue about safety and masks on here.

I started out doing nanowri this year, but I got distracted with an editing project. I have Beaker to Life which is a sci-fi young adult story that was calling to me. I edited it. For some reason I keep doubting this story and the relationships. So the story is about the first human clone and how she grows up. I worry since it takes place over seventeen years that I am timing jumping more than diving into the story. Then I wonder if I really skimp or it is my brain overthinking.

I am still working a little here and there on the third book in the Awakenings trilogy. It is fun getting to know all four girls by themselves on top of them learning about each other. I cannot wait to finish so you all can read the trilogy.

Also I was visiting a high school friend during the weekend and we were talking. Then she said the phase from the Bible, "beauty for ashes" or from. I love it and changed the manuscript "A Flower in the Ashes" to "Beauty from Ashes". They're similar but it's the meaning that I've been searching for. I love it and I'm trying my best to finish my young adult trilogy before going to my historical fiction story.

Stay safe Lovelies!

Monday, August 19, 2019

End of Summer

I know that there is pretty much another month of summer, but for me as a teacher, I go back to work in two days. So summer is pretty much over. As always I had a mental list of things I wanted to accomplish this summer, and I'm pretty much sure I did close to none of it. Oops! At least the batteries are recharged? I also finished another Christmas Lites story today! It's been 9(?) years since it has started and I've had a story in almost every edition! It's crazy and I love being part of this big project every year! It is a short sweet story this year. I try to change it up every year. I think I already know what I want to do next year!

I did a Facebook take over the other day and I got asked what my next project is. It made me think. I did put out a few stories this year after a little hiatus. If you all could see my computer folder you'd know that I do have plenty in the works. However, editing fees does slow things down. I do have a few things in the works and I might try something new editing wise to help be able to put more stuff out quicker, without breaking the bank. As you know I got married this summer and the hubby and I have some financial plans for the future. He supports me and my writing, but I want to make sure that help out with those plans.

So what am I working question that got me thinking. Number one, Pirate story, I have been saying this for year, but I will be making this happen and I am looking at covers so it is real! I will just have to come up with a better title and edit it and that will be out late this year, early 2020! Who doesn't like pirates? Number 2, Invisible Bond (Family Ties 2), another title that I've been saying that would be coming out soon. I need to beef it up a little and edit it, but that will be released 2020 as well. I'm currently working on a titleless story that is a little different than my other stories. I am enjoying it, but I am not 100% sure if it will be a full-on novel or a mini novella series like Mistakes is. I did write out a small outline for them, but I am leaning towards a novella series for that. Oh, and I do have my clone story that I will go back and scan through before beginning the editing process. I am sure there are others that I'm not thinking about that I want to work on, but I'm sure more new ones will pop up!
Happy Readings!

Monday, January 21, 2019

What's next?

Happy Monday!
Last night I finished the epilogue for Mistakes #5. I had finished that awhile ago, but the ending felt unfinished for me, which is one of my issues with short stories to begin with. Then in the midst of editing Call for Help I figured out what I wanted to do. Between all the other edits I put that on hold and finally was just now able to go back to it.

I know each story was a bout a different group and them finally coming together. So i gave each group their own ending in the epilogue. I feel much better with the ending now. Hopefully I can get that and a couple others to an editor soon. My financial situation kind of changed recently and hopefully will again soon so that I can get three stories to an editor soon. Plus getting stuff ready for my wedding in a few months. Wow that was crazy to say!

So until then, what am I going to be working on writing wise you may ask? That is a very good question. I'm debating on fixing up q scifi story I started in high school. After hanging out with some friends they suggested I write a horror story, apparently they thought I had a little sick in the head. I'll have to see what works out attention span wise and keep you all in the loop!

Until then, please come visit next weekend because I will be doing a cover reveal of Beneath the Scars 3, Define a Hero!

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

What's up, and a surprise!

After all the cold weather and rain today's sunny weather is very much welcomed. It is a taste of summer. Summer is when school is out and I'll be able to get more into writing or marketing. Marketing is the bane of my existence it feels like at times. I'm not really good at "selling myself". However, the writing part I'm really excited for.

Why? Well I think I've finally got over the writing essays mind set and the muse has returned. I started the last installment of Beneath the Scars series. I am over 30k words in and I don't have too much left I think. It is bitter sweet finishing a story. It feels amazing to write the end for, but leaving characters? That can be hard and for some characters it is sadder than others. Can I say that? I'm not exactly picking favorites, but some are more fun to write.

I know there are some I want to get writing. I know I need to actually finish editing the last installment of the Mistakes series which I finished a couple of months ago. Plus my mom is going over three stories that I did during those snow days. She's a cpa so it's been her busy season so she hasn't started.

That being said she had beneath the scars 2 which is called Call for Help. After she is done I'll go through it again. Then I'll send it to an editor. I go through it again, format then publish. So it will be a little while until it is published. That being said I am thankful to those buying and reading beneath the scars, it is continuously getting attention every month. I love you all. However, not a lot of reviews.

I'm considering when beneath the scars 2 is ready of doing a form and those who fill it out and share the link to their review of the first book will get the new book for a lot lower of a price. Now not everyone is a blogger. A review could be on Amazon, Barnes and noble, goodreads, anywhere! I'll have more details when it gets closer.

Enjoy your spring!

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Happy Sunday

Good Morning,
So Friday I finished my thesis paper!! ::Cheers:: I will however, have to print it out and mail a copy to my professor, but the writing part is done! That means that I will be able to get back into writing again! I still work a full time job, and tutor two times a week, but I will have some free time. I am already trying to think of projects to do around the house so that I can spend some time outside. I have been working on a couple of stories here and there just to keep my mental state's sake. I am already trying to think of what story I want to be working on first. The fact that they are all different genres will probably help, so whatever mood I am might help which story I get to work on. The three stories that I've been working on here or there are Beneath the Scars 2, Mistakes 5, and try not to cringe at the last one, a vampire story. I know I said that I wouldn't write a vampire story, but I had a dream a few years ago and started a story off of it. Thought I got stuck and put it on home, but I thought of how to fix it up to get rid of the writers block. Hopefully it works out. I cannot wait to dive into writing again. That might be why I have list of stories that I want to work on. I'll talk to you soon then!

Happy Sunday,

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Snow Days and sequels

I'm currently sitting on my couch in my living room watching a random movie on my second snow day in a row and I just received an email saying we are having another one tomorrow. I have cleaned and reorganized my apartment, did laundry, caught up on work emails, wrapping three birthday presents, practicing make-up for a wedding this weekend, and spent endless hours researching endlessly about nothing and blowing up my boyfriend's phone so when he gets off work he has a bunch of dumb texts. What else are girlfriends for? Oh! I have also gotten my oil changed. I have gotten a little of writing down. I'll get more done tomorrow. I did a little work on End of the Line 2, which is slowly moving, I'm near the end, but I can't bring myself to write or focus writing right now.  I'm not selling that story probably considering how long it is taking me to write it. I just get distracted. That and it is sad to think that I will be saying goodbye to some friends again. I have a soft spot for Aaron and Lauren. They were my first published characters and they were based off characters in a dream I had for years.

I will be doing final edits on a short story that will be along side of Shadows from the Past! I can't wait to share that one, but once that is done I will be sending it to Amy to work her magic on. I don't publish much, but I hope they are worth the wait. This story it does not really matter if you read shadows from the past first or not, there are different characters, but in the same world. I had a few beta readers on it and they seemed to like it, and were interested to see if there will be a full length novel on the world. It's in the works is all I can say.

Now to Project US. My Aunt is doing edits on the second half of it and I got the first half back from my boyfriend since I accidentally left it at his place. She did the edits on a physical copy. I'm sure there is a forest out there that is plotting against me. This is my longest story up-to-date, 80K+. It's a little different, and I'm nervous to see what people will think, I've gotten some really positive feedback on it so that is helping my nervous. Of course I'm over thinking the cover and everyone I have asked liked something else. I'm going to have to go on my gut probably which will be fun of course. Can't you tell by all this writing that I've been locked up in my apartment for days?

I'll try to writing more soon. I have one of my best friend's getting married this upcoming weekend which means a trip back up to NJ this weekend! I haven't seen him in so long I'm excited to see him and his fiance tie the knot. This is my first friend to get married, and it is crazy to think that we reached this point in our lives. So grown up, yet, I'm still being mistaken for one of my students. Plus the boyfriend will be going with me to the wedding, our first event together. I'm probably more excited than I should be about that. That's probably because when it came to prom I always went with my friends never a date. I'll post pictures!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

I'm alive!

Well Hello,
Yes I'm alive, I haven't completely vanished from the earth. I had planned on writing during break, but well first year of teaching took over and I caught up with family and sleep. I was lame and I enjoyed every second of it. I also got to spend a couple of days with the boyfriend which was nice. I'm working on a paranormal story for a collection. Not a normal genre, it's fun, just is taking a little longer. The next month I have midterms (giving not taking!) and taking some more tests for my licenses since I'm transferring my NJ to VA. Ew! Other than that I've been going to bed between 9-930 and feeling lame.  I'll try to get better with writing, I really don't want to lose this part of my life.

So I had to get a new computer. Long story I'd rather not get into, but in life accidents happen. I'm currently writing on my new Dell, windows 8. Windows 8 will take some major time to adjust to, it's a little weird. I'm pretty sure I did something weird to download Microsoft, and will have to play around with it. The more I play with it the easier it'll get I'm sure. It was interesting to see all laptops coming with the side number key which might be nice when I key in grades. Yet at the end of the day, budget was kept in mine because of the other fiances going on. I'm pretty sure my wallet is sadder in January than with all the Christmas shopping. Sadly it's not because of anything fun, got to love being an adult.

Now it's night time where I'm from. So I'm sitting here on my couch in my doughnut pj pants, over sized sweatshirt with my hair tied back for a night of writing (werewolves ;) ) while watching a guilty pleasure of mine Millionaire Matchmaker! Much needed breather tonight.
Happy Readings!