The Canadian Literature Symposium
Department of English, University of Ottawa
May 4-6, 2018
Arguably, there have never been more opportunities for poetry to live ‘off the page.’ Over the last 20 years, the radical proliferation and expansion of online social media, media-sharing sites, web-based archives, blogs, vlogs, institutional web-pages and the like have made archiving, accessing, and distributing poetry easier than ever before. The multi-media possibilities of the web, the optic flexibility of digital books, the ability to record image and sound cheaply and share that material quickly and widely over a variety of platforms, have drastically undermined poets’ dependence on the page and print-based forms of distribution. One needn’t be a technological determinist to acknowledge that something has changed in the manner we encounter ‘poetry.’ To what extent, though, have these technological changes transformed the forms and functions of poetry as such? Have they, for instance, finally produced the necessary conditions for truly ‘verbi-voco-visual’ work, a one-time dream of the modernist avant-garde? Have multimedia forms of poetry displaced more traditional forms and formats, or do they operate alongside print journals and books—mere addenda to an essentially unchanged institutionalized discourse? How has Canadian poetry, in particular, exploited (or perhaps ignored) the available material supports for innovations in form, format, and dissemination? Kanada Koncrete will explore these questions over three days, May 4-6, 2018.
We seek papers, talks and presentations on the preceding questions as well as the following topics:
- sound poetry and sonic experiments
- visual concrete
- poetry in performance
- kinetic poetry/ animated poetry/ video poems
- web-based and digital poetries
- comics poetry / poetry and comics
- treated texts
- illustrated poetic texts
- poetry and photography
- artists’ books
- poetry installations
- poetic graffiti
- poetics of ‘the found’
- poetry and social media
- electronic distribution
- collecting and archiving non-print poetry
- teaching poetry ‘off the page’
Please submit a 250-word proposal and a short biographical statement to Robert Stacey at before September 25, 2017.