Er... I plan something for this coming May. I need a break after 2 months (March and April) of working non-stop without any public holiday (alasan). My mind already set for MAS (sebab ada sesuatu) but the truth is not always pleasant. I learnt my lesson today. LOL. But still I want to buy MAS (juga tu!!).
Er... AA is way... way much cheaper from MAS even after add-on items and luggage. But......
I don't want to waste my money but this is the only chance I could fly with MAS again (macam tak pernah naik MAS kan). I still afford to buy the ticket actually. Cuma bila tahu AA lagi murah, hati berbelah-bagi. Nak jiimatkan. Tapi rindu dekat KLIA. Hahah....
Sekali-sekala untuk kepuasan, kegembiraan diri sendiri tak salahkan?? Huhu.....