Showing posts with label Malrex. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Malrex. Show all posts

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Seven days left in The City of Vermilion Kickstarter from The Merciless Merchants.

I am a big fan of their modules (well, mostly by one guy, Malrex, whose Patreon I have a link to), but they never really seem to have gotten much traction in the OSR community. Maybe because they aren't artsy or pretentious but just good? Especially good to actually run and not just read?. Maybe because they use the AD&D rules (2E for most of them, For Gold & Glory)

Anyway, presumably for that reason, they started a kickstarter for their latest module, The City of Vermilion 

However, the KS is only about halfway funded with a week left to go.  It's reasonably priced, too. $12 for a PDF of a 165 page adventure, $25 for softcover (at cost printing at DTRPG)

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Footprints #24 now available!

The long running free zine from Dragonsfoot had sort of run out of steam, but Malrex (of the Mercilous Merchants) picked up the editing reins and a new issue is out

The Experience Check (article)

Centaur Background (article)

Revisiting the Ghost Tower (article/adventure)

Shards from the Workshop (creatures)

Dwarf Backgrounds (article)

The Western Monk (class)

The Skald (class)

Performance Spells (article)

Ruins of the River Gates (adventure)