Sunday, 4 October 2009

The prize that nobody won

It is a truth universally acknowledged that the behaviour of a male -- either human or animal -- improves after the loss a certain part (or should I say two certain parts?) of their anatomy. They mellow. That's what they told me.

It is also a truth universally acknowledged that universal truths do not apply in the life of Annemarie de Vries. In my life, said males go stark-raving berserk and leave a trail of ruin and breakage. A heart (in the human male's case), and pottery, crockery, pretty little glass lamps, Jim Shore ornies and brand new sweaters in the animal's case, all within a week (well, not the heart). When I got home from my parents' this evening, this is what I encountered:

In my absence Pantoef must have searched the internet (the laptop showed the Wikipedia entry for Interrogation Practices. Thank goodness he didn't get as far as 'Chinese water torture' or what have you). I see a pattern developing, and it's not a pattern I like.

Now, cross stitch patterns I DO like, and what do you think I did? I just went ahead and ordered them. All of them. Including the new Goode Huswife Colonial Garden Book and the Just Nan Hootzi Humbug including the pin, because obviously, nobody could ever be happy again without it. Certainly not me.

I really must apologise for that silly competition I held last week. It was not a ploy to lure you to the comment section or anything, honestly. I really did think there would be one or two of you who would guess correctly. The thing is, I do really have a finished little something lying around doing nothing. Here it is:

My Favorite Kitten by Primitive Betty', stitched on 30 count Iced Cappuccino with the recommended DMC threads. I used the blue fabric you see in the background for the back and I did primitive-looking cross stitches in coffee-dyed DMC cotton thread all around the edge. The filling consists of birch shavings and the kitty smells heavenly of wood and coffee.

Don't you just luuuurve these primitive style finishes? They're a brilliant way to disguise the fact that you're a lousy sewer, although I must admit I found it quite difficult to go all primitive and not try to be as neat as possible (I'm a bit obsessively compulsively disordered of a perfectionist when it comes to my stitches).

Howsoever that may be, this little kitty is looking for a new home, and if you want to provide her with one the only thing you have to do this time is leave a comment to this post. I will announce the winner next Thursday (October 8th). Tell you what: if you win, I'll throw in the real life kitty, too. It's either that or the vivisectionist for him.

Yours torturedly,



staci said...

That little kitty would be the perfect addition to our household! I promise I'd give it a very good home ;)

Deb said...

Oh I love that little kitty! It's very sweet and I'd love it in my home.

Jennifer Ann Fox said...

You are so funny!
Love you cat there sitting on top of the sofa!
I have a neutered male, Thomas and he lazes around all day and roams at night, but he doesn't get in fights or roams outside our property, which is good.
He is so sweet.


Chocolates4Breakfast (Terri ~ Boog) said...

Sorry Pantoef isn't behaving. Love your prim kitty!

lynda said...

I would love to give this little kitty a home! Please add my name to your drawing. Thanks!


Nancy said...

Please enter my name in your drawing for both the stitched kitty and the real one! If you already have a zillion what's one more!

Luned said...

I've only just found your blog and spent ages going back to previous posts and laughing out loud (hope the neighbours can't hear!).
Had I found it in time to guess, I would have gone for My Home pinkeep which is on the same pattern so pretty close - but only because that's what I'm stitching and can see in front of me. Think both cats are gorgeous and would love to be in the draw to win either or both. Thanks.

Kathy A. said...

Well, if all else fails you can Pantoef stuffed just like the giveaway kitty lol.
Sending warm hugs to you and Pelle. Thanks for making me smile hon.

Tanya Marie said...

Yesterday was Blessings of the Animals at our church. They hold this popular (outdoor, of course) simple, short service every year and we've never gone. We have a cat that would never think of going to get blessed - she's fine the way she is. You can ask. Anyway, my brother and his girlfriend have two cats and now have a dog. The dog is a particular breed (can't recall now) that stays small but still looks like Husky. Sofie is precious, I do admit. ANYWAY - we wer at the church yesterday morning because Will was bringing Sofie to be blessed. There was a man there with 2 cats and he said that he was going to get the devil outta one of them. LOL Hilarious!

Hang in there - I guess that kitty of yours is trying your last nerve. LOL

Tanya, who loves the universally acknowledges liberties of Miss Austen...

Patricia Lessell said...

I would love love love that little kitty in my home. It might drive my Yorkie totally crazy but hey what else is new with Gracie Amelia - I guess I named her wrong. She was named after Gracie Alan (George Burns & Gracie Alan - she was his wife but passed away very young and was very funny) and Amelia Aerhart who is a daredevil. But I love your real cat too. He is just gorgeous. I am really sorry I didn't enter before but I honestly didn't know what you were stitching. Lots of Love Patti xxx

missy said...

My cat wants his own cat so I would welcome Pantoef!! ^..^


Marilyn said...

Both are too cute!
I would love to give either a home! lol

pj said...

Of course I would love your kitty. We lost a real kitty this year and miss her soooo....thanks for the great ideas on your blog...I love your stitching projects. pj

Daffycat said...

Ah, there's nothing like a kitten to keep the house in a good uproar! Fair warning, some cats stay kitten-ish for three years before they settle. But, you could always send him to me!

Lovely prim finish! I find it hard to relax with my stitching sometimes too. If it doesn't look perfect, I get rather mad!

Enter me in the draw, please!

Melissa said...

You know, Annemarie, maybe Panteof just need a little buddy to play with. We got 2 kitties at the same time, and when they go crazy galloping around the house...ok maybe not a great idea for you! Pls don't put a hex for me for suggesting it! ;-)

I would love the quiet prim kitty to balance out the 2 bouncy ones at home!

Ellen said...

Love your primitive kitty!


doris said...

Oh, he's even naughtier than I thought! Maybe he'll grow out of it. Or maybe it takes a while to get the testosterone out of his system. You never know.

Linen Stitcher said...

I'm still trying to figure out how I could have been so far off in my guess about your latest project. Wishful thinking, perhaps?

The stuffed kitty is more than welcome to come and live at my house. As for Pantoef, well, one wrong step and my kitty would probably flatten him. She's three times his size!

monique said...

I would love to give your kitty a good home! Er, the stuffed one I mean ;) What a lovely giveaway!

Heidi said...

Ah!You poor thing! Pantoef is just a little kitty and needs time to grow out of his little playful self. Trust me! One day, you will look back on this and wish he was a little playful again. No really, you will! You don't believe me do you? Now you know I love this stitched kitty and would LOVE to give him a home here. So I am crossing my toes that I win. I cannot cross my fingers as I have far to big of a stitching deadline right now with Halloween coming so quick and fast. :-)

Hugs en groetjes ~

mainely stitching said...

Spin didn't calm down either, after his snippery surgery, nor did Lola after her much more invasive puppy-proofing ordeal. Rigby was already 'altered' when we got him so I can't speak for him. My magic turning point for when a cute kitten or puppy becomes a tolerable housepet is around the time they turn one year old. Good luck. Kitty-proof your house. LOL.

Giovanna said...

Mag ik ook meedoen, ajb?

I love the look of perfect innocence on Pantoef (who, me?)

Elisa said...

I also love these primitive finishes...just finished Spring Tyme sampler myself. I would so love to be inluded in your drawing.

Natasha said...

I would love to give that kitty a new home and my little doggies would love alittle addition to the family :)

Thank you

Marjorie said...

Sure, I'll take both kitties. My resident kitty (who is 13, 20 lbs. at last weigh-in and the no-nonsense type) will teach Pantoef some discipline!

Carol R said...

I'd love to give Pantoef a home but if you can't bear to part with him I would settle for 'My Favorite Kitty'. Please enter me into your draw.

Hazel said...

Oooh yes please count me in. Pantouf hmmmm... not sure he'd mix well with my overly laid back ragdoll kitty lol. His staring out competition would be wasted on her. x

Unknown said...

Now, I cannot risk not taking the chance to try and own something you stitched, right? As for Pantouf though, you might want to reconsider, as I don't think he would be friends with Juul soon...

Unknown said...

I would gladly give either (or both) a good home. I don't know about the shipping and quarantine implications about the live one, though. It sounds like Pantoef and our just-turned-one Hope would give each other a run for their money! (I promise to put the stitched work out of kitty reach behind glass if I win.)

Marsha said...

I'd love to win the stuffed kitty. Very cute. However, you may keep the real live one - I don't think he would ship too well. Hubby and I decided Cleo will be our last cat. We've cleaned up enough hairballs, thank you.

Siobhán said...

What an adorable little kitty! I think your furry kitty is adorable, too, even if he turns into Captain Destruction when you're away.

Kathy said...

Oh the kitty is adorable. (Actually both are. LOL) Put my name in the hat for the stithced kitty. But please don't send the live one. I already have one and she might not like a live kitty addition. LOL


CindyMae said...

I love the little kitty and would love to give her a new home! You can exclude the real cat though as I have enough of my own! LOL

Sorry, but just had to laugh about the trail of destruction left by the males in your life!

Cheryl said...

Your little kitty is great! I would love to enter but you can give the real life kitty to someone else LOL

Jennifer said...

Oh, poor Panteof. Somehow I can never be angry with a naughty kitty. Mine have destroyed many things over many years (and many cats!) The little ones have taken to pooing in the potted plants that came in from the patio last week. They didn't do that LAST YEAR. It seems felines work on their own time schedule and set of rules.
Go ahead, enter me in the Prim Kitty drawing. Just what I need, another cat! I'd take Panteof too if you could ship him here.

saras said...

I'd love the stitched kitty! I'm thinking you can keep the real kitty! :)

lenna said...

The kitty is just so cute please enter me to win him. Your stitching is just beautiful. Your cat is cute also.
I would take your cat too but my mom would kill me. I already have two and they are both nuts.
Thanks anyway!
God Bless ~