Showing posts with label pleurothallis stricta. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pleurothallis stricta. Show all posts

Monday, October 27, 2014

Acronia stricta

Acronia stricta or Pleurothallis stricta is one of the few Pleurothallis that I grow.  Because many of them are very large plants and because the flowers are often small in proportion to the plant, I've weeded most of them out of my collection, though more for lack of room than for lack of interest.  This is one of the few I still have.  The plant is about 15 cm tall with narrow leaves and the flower spikes are again that long with 2 cm flowers.  The flowers do not, however, last very long, though they bloom several at time in succession,

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Acronia stricta

Acronia stricta, formerly Pleurothallis stricta is from Colombia and Ecuador and is a cool-growing miniature orchid.  The plant is about 15 cm tall, around 22 cm with the flower spikes.  The individual flowers are very nearly 2 cm tall.

The plan seems to have no regular bloom season but blooms on each new growth and does so from the axil of the leaf and stem on upright, wiry spikes that carry about 10 flowers.  It is easy to grow and bloom, a good plant for beginners who are interested in this sort of thing.