Showing posts with label Neighbors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Neighbors. Show all posts

Sunday, May 15, 2011


I have nothing but respect for those who teach teenagers or should I say young adults who are going to be let loose on this world in June...


I am referring to our "Friday the 13th Ghost Tour" in our haunted court house.

I had figured on there being around 20 kids or so...well the or so turned up to be 29 total! Add some chaperons and we ended up having 38 in all!

Wanna see what I saw...

PoD is holding the door open while I am in my favorite spot...taking pictures. There were a few others [chaperons] not in the shot...[if you were counting those in the picture that is]...;}

Forget any other pictures after this...not possible, as it was absolute chaos after that shot! take all those kids and squeeze them into this building and expect to scare them. Wasn't possible, except for one poor girl that was too terrified at the end of the tour to retrieve an object she had left in the safe room by herself. PoD had to go with her so I guess we managed to scare one for sure.

But it really wasn't about scaring that we had intend to do when we gave this tour. Our intention was to open up some eyes of the really skeptical ones and judging by the question period at the end, we had some people going away with thoughts of maybe there is something to what we are finding about the paranormal in there.

As for the tour itself...never that many together all at once! At least for this age group! I would ask for the interested ones be in one group and the bored ones to be in another group. Although I do have to add that these kids were pretty wound up from their trip and that didn't help with some of their short attention spans!

One girl from Toronto kept us on our toes with questions against what we were doing and that was fine...she had some very intelligent questions that happily we were able to raise some doubt in her skepticism.

PoD did most of the talking, which was okay with me, as I found that this age group had a tendency to annoy me with their antics! I found that I had to do more watching for them handling the artifacts, which they were told not to touch or pick up! The rooms were too crowded for any control even with the presence of their chaperons.

To tell you the truth...if I had been one of the ghosts, I would have stayed out of sight with all those hormones in one tiny room...I tell you! There were times that I wanted disappear!

We started are tour by showing them the safe room or the "Control Center" where the research teams set up their equipment. Then up the main foyer stairs to the law offices and court room where we give another long story on what happened in those rooms. That ends with the tour through the Judges Chambers and down the back stairs to the basement.

By the time we have toured half of the basement, my throat hurts so much from trying to make myself heard over the over active kids! I was so thankful for remembering to bring my water bottle with me. But that didn't help completely with the hurt on my vocal cords. I wasn't doing as much talking as PoD but her voice sounded better than mine did. But then, she still has kids at home that makes her vocal chords in much better shape than mine...;}

It doesn't get dark here until 9:30 or so, so we weren't able to show them just how dark it is while we do our investigations. This might have added more chaos tho, as there were some boys that were trying to scare others and that can get out of control quickly in the dark! So I'm glad that it wasn't dark too?

One neat part is that PoD got to show her half-sister and half niece what it is that she does in her spare time. You see, PoD's half sister didn't want anything to do with her biological father's family as she felt that he abandoned and her kids, for his new family? It's a very messy story that hurts all and hopefully one day maturity might happen and things will be better. It's none of my kids or my fault as we have tried to mend fences without any results. My grand daughter is in the same class as her son and she didn't want her son acknowledging having a half-cousin...etc. So they haven't conversed.

Until now...

She asked PoD a few questions...

I know that sounds small but it's a step forward...

So in all, I say Friday the 13th tour offered up something different for us...or not, we'll see?


The tour only took an hour...felt like 3!

We were told that all had enjoyed it and they thanked us...

So hopefully it was true and we haven't hit their record books as being crazy?

One question that stuck out mostly in my mind was...

"If this place is so haunted why isn't it famous or on TV?"

Our response was...

"We're working on it"!

Other than that, the day was uneventful and things weren't unlucky in my mind...

Except for the next morning at 4:00 am when I was awaken by loud people noises and got to watch the drunk antics on the porch roof next door at the party house! There is no balcony or porch...this is the ROOF of their porch. There were 3 of them [2guys/1girl] sitting all wrapped up in blankets [it was pretty cold out] drinking and passing a joint, being really loud, while watching the sunrise! I stayed up to watch see whether any of the idiots would fall off but I was disappointed. Although, it would have been pretty gruesome if they had fallen on my side, as there's a pointy fence and sidewalk within their fall zone that might have caused some pretty serious damage if they had!

The other eventful thing was three garage sales in which I got PoD to attend with me [I'm too crazy a driver for her] and she picked up an elliptical trainer really cheap...she was looking for a treadmill so she was happy. I came away with some crafty stuff and office files for pennies!

Did I ever tell you that I LOVE garage sales!


Then later that day my nap was interrupted by my son-in-law-landlord and my grand children ripping the back deck off the house!

This has been in the works for awhile as it was badly in need of replacement!

My job is to draw up building deck plans that will pass inspection...

This will be my second experience in deck building. The other one was in Kelowna 1980! That one was much larger so this one shouldn't be too hard...

We'll see...

It's been many a moon...

Photos to come...

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Til Halloween night...

Did manage to add more...
If you can't tell what....
It's the continuation of the orange mini lights/black garland, step-staked fence. Did add the blue-white bush lights to the outer edges...3 on one side and six in the front

Of course my crappy camera shots don't do it justice but you get the idea any how...;}

And in keeping with my title of this BLOG is.....

An ORB SHOT....?

This odd mark on the above [full] photo is located at the left side of the house in the shot.

There is a neighbor's light [across the back alley] that does shine once in awhile but is much higher....and was NOT on!

If it is a dust mote...where are all the others?
We are in FULL harvest right now...dust motes should be everywhere! Just ask my sinuses...;{



Still have the usual vandal....although just a mild one...

If you can't tell what it looks like.....

think of some A-hole, just having to lash out at something!

Probably using their foot kicking at this poor feeble fence...;(

This wasn't meant to be a strong restraint fence....just some light decor?

Did try to straighten it....but these are just light aluminum!

Bet you can guess who it might have been.....

Remember...I have to say "might"...cause I have NO physical [picture] proof!

Do have some facts!

1. Not a well walked area...especially on my front side walk! On the street....yes! One would have to deliberately change their course to do what they did and would most likely try to do worse for having to have had made the effort[?]

2. The party people right next to me have taken jobs up north so the house sits empty [except for her abandoned cats...which is another worry for me] and there has been NO visitors going in or out! I've actually enjoyed this fact!

3. The other neighbor's kid still has the hate on for me! Although he has been somewhat nicer....but could be a ploy....;{?

4. What idiot would stop their car, get out and run up the incline, kick the little fence...then leave without doing more?

Don't think the little sweet heart next door likes me quite yet?

Hope this was the only thing that will happen [fingers crossed]


Still enjoying the wonderment of my pretty sweet peas! Now have seen the red one become full!

Haven't had the heart to cut them either....they deserve to live in the sun while they can!

Besides it's an oddity for the visitors too!

As for the other Halloween part....

stay tuned...;}

Wednesday, February 17, 2010



Didn't notice until this afternoon...their stump is empty? It was the big indent in the snow next to their stump, that alerted me to their plight! The indent looks like a butt plant?

Looking back on the photos...they went missing in the early morning hours!

Guess I have to blame the drunks...they were busy parading back and forth around 6 am ish.

Damn....I wish I could afford a game cam!

All I can hope for is that the alien brothers create havoc in their new place! [hocus I done spocus]!

Saturday, February 06, 2010

WIPE OUT #2...

"Did it rain last night?"...

That should have been my first thought when I stepped out my front door this morn [4:30] to take some cool pictures [I keep trying] of the beautiful frosty looking world around me...

Instead the... "cool hoar frost" turned to "#X!?#&X@?&" that many words!

Yep, WIPE OUT!!!!!!!!

Good thing I got LOTS of padding on butt & cushioned the impact! It was the sudden STOP that jolted the old back and shoulders!

NO.....I didn't immediately look around to see who was watching, what other fool besides me would be up at that damn hour!

And NO, I didn't take any pictures either......."F......the cool looking hoar frost!"


I'd been so careful after my first episode!

Did almost do a repeat performance the other day [which might have amused my audience] while trying to escape my boring business. That time there were lots of "flailing arms" to save me.

No, "flailing" this time...happened too fast!

Now as I sit....the pain begins!

I'd been in such a great mood! Now all I want to do is bite someone's head off..............mine if I could!

This idiot had placed a mental order to "salt" that same area yesterday.....only "lazy" got in the way!

Wasn't worried about customers, most don't do a personal visit on Fridays, they usually just call and also there haven't been many lately.... so I got lazy!

Serves me right....should have listened to that inner voice!

Good was me INSTEAD of some customer!

We've been going through some foggy frosty stuff these past few days and this winter world has been pretty to look at. Only, one should remember that there is danger lurking under all that "prettiness" too!

Today is supposed to be a shopping day for birthday presents [3 birthdays] and BillyRoo was lending me his car......but now, me not so sure I want to venture out on the highway right now. Was pretty foggy all day yesterday?

Have heard a farmer say once, that fog meant we would get rain 90 days later? May showers?

So....all you farmers out there [in my area that is] "quit crabbing about the lack of moisture"'s foggy right now!

As for other damn fools up at that hour.....

The drunk parade started at 6:10...

Where was MY entertainment!

Damn drunks walk better than I do!

Thursday, January 07, 2010


be happy that it's on snow... #@*?/#....

Not enough snow was the results!

Can we say puke skating rink....#@!&*%?

Salt doesn't work when it's this friggin' cold out!!!!!

Another present...

Guess I should be happy that the bottle wasn't broken...which would be the norm


Suppose I should be happy they aren't dealing drugs....

Oh hang on there....they might be???

Can't prove anything, but the young people traffic, in and out of that place, is mighty suspicious!

Pretty gutsy with a cop living across the way...

One consolation...been too bitchin' cold out to be up to any mischief...other than fouling my work/living place!

Creepy Hollow's happy they didn't get close to him! Even though it looked like they were heading in that direction when they let it all fly...three times!

I finally figured out why I get up at 3 or 4 in the's to catch the action!

Haven't been lucky enough to catch anything, especially the pukers...yet!

Have been entertained by the variety of drunks passing back & forth...

The latest surprise was the drunk that lives across the street...

He's got to be in his late 60's. A few mornings ago, I watched him staggering back and forth carrying a beer, even stopping to take a swig once in awhile...

Why I was surprised, I don't know...he's known for his being a drunk!

One day I will be able to afford to put up some game cameras!

Can you imagine the footage I could have...not too mention proof!

Other than that, exciting news...things have been dead, work wise!

Finally finished the sad signs...

With that young man's death, it's been hard not to nag my kids into getting heart check-ups! Both are over the age of 26 and heart problems run in the genes...

So in trying to change-up the mood I removed Xmas and started Valentine's Day decorating...

Done some work for my business...

Seems my window/yard/office displays, [that's what I call my decorating obsession] confuses most people? Hoping bigger signs will help them understand, just what it is, that I do and sell. I figure the sign I have right now must be too small...;)? Or they don't know what "sign manufacturing" means?

The decorating does it's work gets their attention and a lot come in...they get a business card.

Finally added something to the wall that I've been itching to do and will help with just what can be done with the stuff that I do,,,

Who else but the Queen of Halloween would have a 7 foot scary tree on the wall...goes good with the coffin

Silhouette trees look great on big bare walls...even a forest

The vinyl is heat removable, so the crows [that's what makes the tree creepy] are not attached to the tree when cut out.

My next project is to revamp these 3 mirrors and this fancy pewter picture frame, I bought this summer's garage sales. Each will get a good polishing and have words of wisdom installed on them. These will be visual examples so customers can be inspired...

I've given up on the card thing as a full time posting thing...I still do them, I just don't have time to post. I spend too much time all day long at the computer as it is. I don't think there's any padding left in my chair!

Sorry [no I'm not] for the gross photo in the beginning...

But that's how I felt when I open the door...

Monday, October 05, 2009 last!

Yesterday was the first day that I went for a three block [long] walk, without any complaints from any parts of my body...including my face!

The air was so cool and fresh!

The early morning mist finally settled the harvest dust down enough for this poor allergy sufferer to like the outdoors again!

This is one of my favorite times of the year...

The sun isn't as hot and the bugs are gone!

I sometimes wonder if I am part night dweller [blood drinking not on my diet] as the sun irritates my skin and the heat makes me nauseous? But, I know this is the results from the meds that I have to take.

So, when Spring & Fall arrive I am sooooooo happy!

I even had enough gumption [slight headache still] to put up some more of my Halloween decor outside.

Sadly, the blow-up cat hasn't landed on the garage roof...this one is afraid of heights!

Son went back to work & Trebor is doing his "honey-to-do-list" work.

This year was a sad year for yard work.
The grass was lucky to even get cut and as for had to rely on mother nature

I did have the garden tilled with the idea of using the dirt for the garden boxes but needed to have help with building the boxes bigger to hold the dirt... it never happened

Each plot went to weed... told myself that was my "wild flower" beds in honor of mother nature...;)

But now they are great looking, as the flowers/weeds have died and add to my graveyardy look.I used the first stones [1991] that I ever made and they won't mean as much if they get wrecked, only their sentimental value.

I've decided to live dangerously by putting my decor outside this year!

Most people don't have to worry about their decor outside as they live with decent people around them...

I live between two party houses!

Past post on "neighbors" subjects will up date why I say this.

The rumor has it that the house across the street has a new cop moving in but I have also heard that there wasn' I eagerly await their arrival. My hope is, they have young toddler type [too young to roam ;)] and are very protective...let them call the cops and get in trouble with the type that likes to get even when you do complain...

I have screwed, wired, staked and covered all easy access to the decorations and they will have to destroy the decor before they will get it free like they did my decorated Xmas tree last year! All extension cords have my name written all over them so they will have to jiffy mark the whole cord before they get own them!

The down side is when they have to be removed...;(

I've taken photos so I have a record of what I've done so far [more to come depending on destruction] and hopefully will be proven wrong...for a change!

As for walking...

I'm starting again this morning, right after this post and hopefully will do so again this evening.

This is a promise I am making to myself, as I feel the "stop walking" that I did, ended me up in this unhealthy mess that my body is in right now! I vow to try to keep it up even when it gets miserable.

I must give a BIG THANK YOU to my daughter PoD who helped me through this whiney mess while sick herself and helping me keep my livelyhood going.

thank you for all of your well wishes too....

Thursday, September 13, 2007


The "party" house next door has now been sold! To whom...I haven't a clue! There has been no activity as all is quiet!

The "bad" neighbors on the other side, of me, has had quite a blow given to them!

As you may know [if you have kept up on my past remarks] that I haven't had too much success with getting to know these people and that I have spent most of my time wishing them to go away!

If you remember the "For Sale" sign disappeared and I was hoping that the place had been sold...well it turned out that they both managed to land jobs so they decided to stay!

The incident with the young kid [past post about "nosy neighbor"] turned out to be a dad wanting to keep his young son here against his exes wishes and cops were called in! Kid did get returned to rightful parent!

On Monday, the 10th, my "evil" neighbor was killed in a trucking accident while he was hauling a load of whatever to a nearby town! Seems he blew a yield sign and ended up injuring [thankfully not too bad] a young kid in another vehicle!

I wished him gone from my life but I never, ever, wished him to die!

I feel terrible for his family and what they are going through right now! It's sad that they still have to live with his actions!

I feel doubly sorry for his wife! She has had some bad crap happening to her lately and this will make it only make it hope for her is that she is able to get through this without going over the deep end! As for his kids...if he truly was a bad parent...they're in a better world now that he is gone!

I know it's harsh to think ill of the dead...but being dead doesn't excuse his past transgressions!

One day maybe things will be better with my neighbors and me...I do vow to make an effort to try!