Showing posts with label Prayer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Prayer. Show all posts

Friday, January 21, 2011

Operation Sucsessful!

I opened my email this morning and those are the words I read. Then I saw this picture:

Praise the Lord! The boxes made it! That makes it worth it. I now have to fight with Fe*Ex to make them see I don't owe $2400 but I know that will all be ironed out in the wash. I just had to share the news.

Also if you want another reason to Praise your socks off hop on over to Striving for 31 and read my bloggy friend Amber's post and you will be jumping for joy twice as high!!

Thank you God for meeting every need.

I will tell you this much when He shows out like this it really convicts me that we haven't filed our paperwork yet...anyone know what the health rules are like for back issues?

Well that is another post for another time...right now it is 4:17 am, and I woke up and couldn't sleep so I checked my email and well the rest is history!

God Bless!

In Christ Alone,

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Important Prayer Request

Thank you all for everything you have done so far!

Please pray about the shipping cost to Washington. When we first looked at those costs we thought we would be shipping about 50 lbs worth of gifts now it has turned into 150. We need to come up with funds to take care of this. Please let me know if you have any ideas at all.

If you think your church would be willing to take up an offering to help or if you know of a business that might help sponsor shipping please let me know. I am waiting on prices from a couple of shipping companies but at this time it looks like it may cost between $500-$750 in shipping. I know that God didn't bring us this far to leave us and I also know that this doesn't surprise him. He is all knowing. Please pray about this matter.

In Christ Alone,
