So, the skirmish game!
This played out really well for a "pick up" game. We both had 44 Renown to play with and although Tear's force wasn't "strictly" legal, (you need one Hero figure to act as General so instead the Protector Prime was chosen), the game, and I am sorry if this sounds like a battle report in an issue of White Dwarf, came down to the last few dice rolls!
The scenario played was Treasure Hunt from the Skirmish book and we totally ignored all the Allegiance Abilities, Skirmish Abilities etc. as we mostly just forgot. Bonus internet points to whoever gets the Guerac reference without heading to Google.
The Warbands Engage (bonus finger)
The First Clash, I quickly realised my Ghosts had no chance one to one.
We are really playing! My forces have scattered to take objectives.
Clash of the Generals!
The very last round and EVERY objective is contested!
The game head to the finish with a threeway (stop sniggering
Curis) tie over the objectives, the last blows struck took out my final Hexwraith leaving 2 objectives as contested and 1 objective held by the Stormtonnians giving them the win. The Guerac Throne had been liberated! Curses.