Showing posts with label white. Show all posts
Showing posts with label white. Show all posts

Sunday, 18 November 2012

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

into blessed nothingness

Dizzy with light, we dipped into that enormous book of holidays, its pages blazing with sunshine and scented with the sweet melting pulp of golden pears. Bruno Schulz

Please meet the director of the video Maxime Loisel. Montag's Phares is out now.

Tak wędrowaliśmy z matką przez dwie słoneczne strony rynku, wodząc nasze załamane cienie po wszystkich domach, jak po klawiszach. Kwadraty bruku mijały powoli pod naszymi miękkimi i plaskimi krokami - jedne bladoróżowe, jak skóra ludzka, inne złote i sine, wszystkie płaskie, ciepłe, aksamitne na słońcu, jak jakieś twarze słoneczne, zadeptane stopami aż do niepoznaki, do błogiej nicości. Bruno Schulz, August

Thus my mother and I ambled along the two sunny sides of Market Square, guiding our broken shadows along the houses as over a keyboard. Under our soft steps the squares of the paving stones slowly filed past - some the pale pink of human skin, some golden, some blue-grey, all flat, warm and velvety in the sun, like sun-dials, trodden to the point of obliteration, into blessed nothingness. (for the translation of the whole chapter click here)

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

like a solar flair

Django Django must be from some other galaxy. They have this knack and elegance unequal to all the rest of us. Here yet again they blend their sounds with vision. Quite white. With lots of light. Perhaps even solar.

Please meet the director of the video Daniel Swan.

always look at the white sky and you lose your head in the clouds
wanna step onto them and float onto their ground (...)

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

damas de blanco

So I skipped the Record Store Day yet I managed to get a Record Store Day release: the very white (well it's actually a bit creamy) vinyl version of Tegan and Sara's Get Along :). Sisters have never been much politically involved as these Damas de Blanco (although they have supported  PETA, Get Your Vote On and Warchild), but one must admit they definitely look good in white. It's a making-peace-with-yourself video. White video. Calming and peaceful. And so is the song. Even though it's sad I officially end the black spring of this year with it and put myself into summer mode (which means taking my white trousers out of the closet:)). Suddenly it all seems clear at this time of the year. Summer, I dare you to come!

Meet the director of video Angela Kendall.

Read more about Damas de Blanco (Ladies in White), an opposition movement in Cuba, and the Sakharov Prize the movement received in 2005.

I won't regret saying this thing that I'm saying
Is it better than keeping my mouth shut that goes without saying (...)