Three months ago, my colleague in Ortho decided to find a new job, for very good reasons of her own. And I knew it would be until January before a new person would be hired and start. Our Nurse Practitioner is also retiring at the end of this month, and should have retired over a year ago.
I have been, in a very real sense, been covering nearly 3 full time jobs since October. Yes, I do cry a lot.
Others have gotten involved, which is overdue, but changes in how this speciality works, or fails to work, are happening. The new guy starts beginning of January, and we will both be learning.
This is rather like when I battled the Hedge, excavating the rose bush from it, clearing out the deadwood. The process is painful, it looks ugly for a while, but it is necessary. And, in time, makes everything work better.
Everything in life needs a good clearout, now and then.
I've had a bit of inspiration about the nature of gods. Or at least the One God of the ridiculous self proclaimed christians. This being cannot be omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent. Because error is so clearly fundamental to the universe. What could be perfect that contains irrational numbers, for a start?
No, GOD cannot be perfect. Love and life are inherently imperfect. Perfection is the antithesis of both, stasis and death are perfect. No - god must be creative, curious, poking into every corner and ringing all the changes. Look to the simple cells and creatures who reproduce by division and cloning, only adaptable to the extent they have mutation errors. So sex comes in to mix it up further, try anything to change. The more complexity, the more 'error'. Maybe even the rules change as each layer of quantum expands life. Not to mention how sex is all over the place, in practice, in inclination, in expression, hormones, anatomy and over time. It's all a glorious muddle.
The story of Eden is backwards. Adam and Eve were not quite alive, held in a pretty but unchanging reality. Only through curiosity and exploration do they begin to grow souls. They choose 'disobedience' over perfection, as they should. Held in a gilded cage, they had to escape. Oh, and that the man birthed the woman, clearly the story is inverted and that is the first big clue.
This is the first time I have even wanted to write here, since the last time. It's all felt too much, Here at this nadir, where the water pools, the urge to write sprouts.