Tuesday, August 30, 2016


Humidity 9%
Wind Speed W 9 MPH
Barometer 30.04 in
Dewpoint 30°F (-1°C)
Visibility 10.00 mi
Heat Index 94°F (34°C)
Last update 30 Aug 3:35 pm MDT

Summer getting in a few strong punches, but it's reeling on its last legs. Oh, we'll still get heat, and no guarantee of any rain, but the worst days are numbered.

The tomatoes, finally ripening and looking good, although split, tasted terrible. As in take a bite and spit it out awful. I think it may be due to the Tree of Heaven. They do rather taste like those weed trees smell. TOHs been sprouting up in the garden all summer, although I've been digging them up diligently. Maybe next year I'll just do a cover crop and let the soil have a little "me-time."

Or plant tons of onions.


gz said...


Catalyst said...

I had never heard of Tree of Heaven plants and had to Google them to learn about them. Sounds like they are truly the snake in your little garden of Eden.

Phil Plasma said...

I don't think the humidity ever gets to 9% here. Right now we have 78% humidity.

I'm guessing in my region that we'll still have summer temperatures for another two or three weeks, though at night it may drop lower.

I too hadn't heard of TOH until you had first posted about them. Fortunately, I haven't any in my or my neighbour's yards.

Pam said...

Oh gosh, that sounds hot. We had 77 yesterday, which was hot for us. And we never think about humidity; it's not an issue.

Zhoen said...

I'm really surprized at how many people don't know about this weed tree. I've seen it everywhere I've ever visited. The book A Tree Grows in Brooklyn is about this species.


"Tree of heaven occurs in 42 states ranging from Maine south to Florida and west to California. It is most often seen in disturbed areas. "

Are you calling it something else? Have you just never had it pointed out to you? I find this genuinely baffling. I've added a link above.

Nimble said...

Bleah tomatoes are a sad, sad outcome. Onions! also makes a good swearword.

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

Such a pity about the tomatoes ... nothing ever tastes as good as home-grown .

Zhoen said...

Onions for bunions!

Nor anything worse, apparently.