Friday, March 09, 2012


Cranky today, and so was everyone else. A kind of vague irritableness that seemed to get everyone. Next week looks to be a doozie, I'm going in on my day off to cover lunches. With the damn time change (to those in other parts of the world, no joke, in the US it changes this weekend) likely the whole next week will be likewise annoying. I resolve to stay cheerful, and have beer at home.

Had a tree guy in to take care of our weed trees. Went to the pertinent neighbors - who all were not only nice, but downright enthusiastic about getting rid of the damn things. Will schedule ASAP, in view of putting in garden.

During a newspaper interview in March 1966, John Lennon said that the Beatles were “more popular than Jesus.”

On August 13, radio station KLUE in Longview, Texas, organized a bonfire in which protesting Christians burned their Beatles records.

The following day, the station’s broadcast tower was struck by lightning, rendering the news director unconscious and knocking the station off the air.

From Futility Closet.

Friday, bah. Done, basta.


Phil Plasma said...

Wife surprisingly not too cranky considering I'm going to TO Sunday to train UofT, returning Thursday night, and then the very next Sunday heading to BC in BOS.

I'm still torn about MBTA vs rental car, though I should decide soon.

gz said...

It has been a funny cranky week or so here too

julia said...

now. oddly enough, I have not been cranky this week but then I did have three days off work so perhaps that is the answer?

Zhoen said...

Oh, try the car, especially if you are compensated for it. It really depends on how far out of the city you are.

Here's to un-cranking.

That certainly helps.