Wednesday, January 04, 2012


On the metal slide, skin sticking instead of gliding, I scoot and squeak my way down. Finding myself with more time than I have things I CAN do. Still stuff that must be done, but can't be done yet. Two weeks. I will at least fill a box or two today.

So, when I found this, my writin' fingers itched. Contradictory adages, in a neat little list. I shall add commentary. Most are not so much contradictions as setting bounds from one extreme or the other.

Look before you leap.
-Take measurements, know how far you can leap, that there is a place to leap to, or you'll wind up a long way down.
He who hesitates is lost.
-Once you've made your plans, don't balk at the last moment, half jumping, or you'll wind up a long way down.

Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
-We miss what we don't have, glorifying it in our minds when we don't have to do any work on it.
Out of sight, out of mind.
-But we also don't take care of what we don't see, neglecting the work.

You’re never too old to learn.
-Quite true. It's all a matter of the attitude of the learner. We learn differently as adults than we did as children.
You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.
-A defensive laziness, but it is harder to change long held habits. If the old dog refuses to learn, then you can't.

A word to the wise is sufficient.
-If someone is paying attention, open to hints, all they need is a suggestion.
Talk is cheap.
-Some very charming people can say exactly the right things. - doesn't cost them anything. But you have to judge them by their follow-through.

Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.
-Fools don't even bother to check for the bottomless pit on the other side of the door. They don't think ahead or consider consequences.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
-Once you have taken a good look, know the risks, have a good idea of what you'll gain, then - go for it, be brave.

Actions speak louder than words.
-What you actually do will either reinforce your words, or undercut them, exposing your integrity or lack thereof.
The pen is mightier than the sword.
-Ideas are more enduring than violence, although not so powerful in the short run. Unless your pen is actually a little gun.

Many hands make light work.
-Enough people lifting together makes heavy work possible, even easy. Especially when moving.
Too many cooks spoil the broth.
-But too many people who all think they are in charge bossing each other around makes a mess.

Seek and ye shall find.
-Ask all the weird questions, gather data, formulate theory, test, test, test, ask again. This is the heart of science.
Curiosity killed the cat.
-Know when to curb, or at least conceal your nosiness into other people's lives. Let people have some privacy, know when not to ask too much.

Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.
-If it's free, be gracious and make of it what you will, don't complain that it's not perfect.
Beware of Greeks bearing gifts.
-Understand that every gift has a price, and know the giver's intentions.

The best things in life are free.
-You can't buy a soul, or love, those have to be grown and earned and shared freely.
There’s no such thing as a free lunch.
-Everything is a trade, everything comes at a cost. Ignoring that, not paying upfront, will leave you in debts and troubles.

It's worth really thinking about the sayings that pervade our thoughts, understanding how context changes them, when they are true, and when misapplied.


Phil Plasma said...

Well thought out responses to common sayings. The many hands helping to spoil the broth is one that I have heeded often. I've organized a few events or projects that required many hands, but I put in place a specific leadership to ensure there wasn't too much contention.

gz said...


Fire Bird said...

nice work

Reading the Signs said...

It can be fun to challenge these adages. Thinks: 'beggars can't be choosers' - imagine situations where beggars repeatedly claim the right to choose. Sigh.

Happy new year to you, Zhoen. Good house wishes.

Rosie said...

This must be why I can never make a decision. I can always argue for both sides... Too much exposure to adages.