Friday, December 23, 2011


From the Inspector's exceptionally thorough report. A winter view. Not going to get anything better until mid January. And I'm not going to stop whining about it until then, so you might as well go elsewhere.

Overtime week leaving me quite worn out. Had to keep reminding myself, on the way home (with stops for groceries and beer) to keep my eyes open when stopped at red lights. Beer not optional, not about to let the anxiety go wild, not this week. Holiday skipping me this year. We're getting each other a house for christmas. And the experience. We've always gone for experiences, and hoo-boy are we ever getting one. Well, no one else I'd rather go through hell with. Heaven is when I'm with D.

Eyes have stopped working properly. Must close them.


Dale said...

Oh, it looks wonderful!

marja-leena said...

Yes, what a great Christmas present to each other!

Rouchswalwe said...

Nice foundation stones! Hand-hewn rocks of stability. The place looks very arts-and-craftsy ... I like the colour and the placement of the windows. I imagine woodwork inside and interesting decorative accents here and there.

Zhoen said...

I rather think it is, actually.

Nothing half way.

Sandstone blocks, with some deterioration, but rather beautiful. You are right about the wood inside.

The Crow said...

A Craftsman! Gorgeous, and just the type of house I've always dreamed of owning. Hooray for you and D and this wonderful experience you are having.

Oh, Moby is going to love the wood floors - sliding-time ahead!

Happy Christmas, friend.

anita said...

OOhhh! Love it! You're going to have some fun!

herhimnbryn said...

I can just imagine you sitting on that porch!

Wishing all three of you a Merry Christmas, a fantastic new year and wonderful new neighbours!

Love her, him and bryn xxx

Zhoen said...

The phrase Arts & Crafts is what I thought, but I expect we are on the same page. Perhaps one day, you can be our guest. To watch the cat slide.

OH, thank you for that cheer. That's the attitude that makes any job fun.

It's a great porch, I want to net it in, so Moby can sit out there with us. (Just packed the mosaic box for the move, next to the square Japanese teapot.)

gz said...

just right!

Fire Bird said...

lovely! hurrah!

Jean said...

What a great house. I love it and can totally see why you fell for it :-)

Geosomin said...

It looks...cozy. Lots of character. :)
Merry Christmas!