Thursday, February 03, 2011


So begins the Year of the Hesitating Rabbit*.

And if you've never read any Usagi Yojimbo, do so this year.

This burn therapy looks extremely promising.

*Not really. After Terry Pratchett's many oddly named centuries, i.e. Century of the Fruitbat, Century of the Anchovy, year of the Notional Serpent (there are others, but I can't find any reference to them right now, which means I will have to go through the books again to make a list myself.)


the polish chick said...

always love it when pratchett comes out to play!

i think i was born in the year of the octogenarian platypus. it often feels that way.

Rouchswalwe said...

You've met Sakai-san! Happy Usagi Year, Z!

Zhoen said...

Sadly, no. This is just an image pulled off the web, the only one of him smiling I could find.

Pacian said...
