Had the MRI today, r/o anything but benign positional vestibulitis. I'm sure it will. Had my head examined, determined to keep serious thoughts out of my head, so that nothing serious will be found.
I had one when I busted my back, or realized I'd busted it to be accurate. Strangely enjoyable. Close my eyes, be still for twenty minutes or so, listen to very odd music and let my imagination poke around, like art modeling, but much more comfortable. I imagined a light show with some of the sounds, others were magic fingers and washing machines. A series of boops made me think of Beaker's vocalizations, but a bit fast, so he became a Beakeresque Max Headroom, with large muppets shaking the bed. Some of the low vibrations put me on the C-130 we were crammed in from Khobar to Eskan Village. The sound overwhelmed, our knees were slotted betwixt each other facing, and everyone fell asleep, after the long journey from Colorado. I dozed today as well.
And I got a free pair of earplugs. Good for Roller Derby.
(o) Thinking of you, Zhoen.
Me too, hope all is ok.
Thinking of you too.
I remember that noise.
Add me to the list of those thinking of you.
people are always telling me that I need my head examined.
If what comes out of yours is anything to go by, I reckon the inside must be pretty good...
Another one who is thinking of you, Zhoen.
Oh, I'm fine, this is just not being foolish about ignoring possibilities.
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