Thursday, October 04, 2007

Domain (Photos)


Anonymous said...

Funny...I just bought a new dish rack yesterday. Now if only they would make one that did the dishes for you.

I covet the rug.

colleen said...

I spy a cobalt blue mug!

I collect them you know.

Lucy said...

I take pictures of the washing up sometimes! If there's some strong colour element, such as yellow tea pot and mug, or the red bowls and the black enamel casserole dish which often go together, I do it with a colour accent. I think I might start a meme thing inviting people to post on their washing up. It might exclude the dishwasher folk, I suppose.

I wanted to thank you for putting us on to Japanese incense (you mentioned); Tom asked his daughter to look for it for his birthday, and a delicious package of the fragrant little batons arrived yesterday, they really are superior!

Zhoen said...

Doing dishes is one of my onerous jobs, but it hurts D's back, so fair's fair. He's been doing most of the laundry. Love my three cobalt blue mugs, yes I remember.

Lucy, glad you found some good incense, really is gentler, ain't it?