Showing posts with label buttons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label buttons. Show all posts

Tuesday, 14 December 2010

New Flickr Groups

Good morning! It's high time I got back into my online activities. To kick start this I've just created two gorgeous new groups over on Flickr. The first is one loop ahead, a showcase for all the best in contemporary crochet and knit culture. I hope to create a book from the best of the pool's submissions eventually, so in order to keep the standard as high as possible, it's an invite only group, but do let me know if you'd like to be considered for inclusion. Once the group takes off I may start a dedicated new blog to include artist interviews and features.

1. yippee sonia arrives home today, 2. Phydeaux Twist Cowl Honey Dijon redux, 3. more pincushions, 4. Petri dish No.3, 5. all together now, 6. Cinder, 7. the twins..., 8. megadoilyrug_pillows, 9. just say it like it is...

The second of my groups is button it, a place for all creative button enthusiasts. If you use buttons in your creative projects or just appreciate the beauty of a good button why don't you sign up.

1. Necklace of Buttons, 2. Buttons & Doilies, 3. Antique Mother Of Pearl Buttons, 4. a little wall vignette..., 5. For Button Phobia exhibition, 6. Violette talc box & treasure!, 7. altered envelopes, 8. sew-easy-close-up, 9. miss Evelyn...

Thursday, 2 December 2010

Feeling creative again!

I seem to have a constant string of crochet projects on the go. I've just finished this little cushion for Leo's room, which seemed to take an age to do!

And I'm playing around with these buttons that I've just unearthed in a jar somewhere... but what to do with them?

Suggestions please. I'd love to string them into a necklace but haven't the faintest idea how to do it!