Showing posts with label Federal transportation planning and funding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Federal transportation planning and funding. Show all posts

Monday, May 30, 2016

RAMP 6/1 @ 8AM

AGENDA  -  June 1, 2016
The Fabulich Center
3600 Port of Tacoma Road; 98424
8:00     Welcome & Self-Introductions                                  
8:05     2016 RAMP Feedback Survey                             
8:10     I-5 Construction Project Updates: Pierce County HOV Lanes & I-5/SR-16 Interchange
            Jon Deffenbacher, WSDOT
8:40     Freight Mobility & FAST Act Funding Advisory Committee
            Sean Ardussi, Puget Sound Regional Council
8:50     Round Robin
9:00     Closing Remarks & Adjourn
Next RAMP Meeting
9/7/16 @ 8AM
(No July/August Meeting)

RAMP is a regional coalition including business, labor, public and private organizations and citizens dedicated to improved mobility in the South Sound and Washington State.  Our mission is to ensure a healthy regional economy associated with the development of an effective, efficient transportation system and the resources to sustain it. RAMP is co-chaired by Pierce County Executive Pat McCarthy, Port of Tacoma Commissioner Don Meyer and Tacoma-Pierce County Chamber President & CEO Tom Pierson.  

Monday, April 27, 2015

RAMP 5/6 @ 8AM

AGENDA  -  May 6, 2015
The Fabulich Center
3600 Port of Tacoma Road; 98424

8:00     Welcome & Self-Introductions                                  

8:05     Federal Surface Transportation Reauthorization
            Congressman Derek Kilmer

8:30     US Open Transportation Planning
            Brian Zeigler, Pierce County

8:55     Round Robin/Good of the Order

9:00     Closing Remarks & Adjourn

Next RAMP Meeting
June 3, 2015
Fabulich Center; 3600 Port of Tacoma Road; 98424

RAMP is a regional coalition including business, labor, public and private organizations and citizens dedicated to improved mobility in the South Sound and Washington State.  Our mission is to ensure a healthy regional economy associated with the development of an effective, efficient transportation system and the resources to sustain it. RAMP is co-chaired by Pierce County Executive Pat McCarthy, Port of Tacoma CEO John Wolfe and Tacoma-Pierce County Chamber President & CEO Tom Pierson.  

Thursday, July 03, 2014

Special RAMP 7/9/14 @ 8AM

AGENDA  -  July 9, 2014
The Fabulich Center
3600 Port of Tacoma Road; 98424
8:00     Welcome & Self-Introductions                                  
8:05     Tacoma Transportation Master Plan
            Dan Grayuski, Fehr & Peers
8:15     Federal Transportation Policy & Funding
            Janet Kavinoky, Exec. Dir. of Transportation & Infrastructure, U.S. Chamber
8:55     Round Robin/Good of the Order
9:00     Closing Remarks & Adjourn
August 6th RAMP Meeting @ 8AM
Featuring         WSDOT Update on Pierce County Projects
Congressman Smith’s Office on Freight Infrastructure Reinvestment Act
RAMP is a regional coalition including business, labor, public and private organizations and citizens dedicated to improved mobility in the South Sound and Washington State.  Our mission is to ensure a healthy regional economy associated with the development of an effective, efficient transportation system and the resources to sustain it. RAMP is co-chaired by Pierce County Executive Pat McCarthy, Port of Tacoma CEO John Wolfe and Tacoma-Pierce County Chamber President & CEO Tom Pierson.

Monday, June 02, 2014

RAMP 6/4/14 @ 8AM

AGENDA  -  June 4, 2014
The Fabulich Center
3600 Port of Tacoma Road; 98424

8:00     Welcome & Self-Introductions                                  

8:10     Federal Surface Transportation Reauthorization
            Allison Camden, Federal Relations Manager, WSDOT

8:30     Governor’s Carbon Emissions Reduction Task Force
            Matt Steuerwalt, Governor’s Executive Policy Director
            Charles Knutson, Governor’s Senior Policy Advisor for Transportation

8:55     Round Robin/Good of the Order

9:00     Closing Remarks & Adjourn

Next RAMP Meeting
July 2nd, 2014
Fabulich Center; 3600 Port of Tacoma Road; 98424

RAMP is a regional coalition including business, labor, public and private organizations and citizens dedicated to improved mobility in the South Sound and Washington State.  Our mission is to ensure a healthy regional economy associated with the development of an effective, efficient transportation system and the resources to sustain it. RAMP is co-chaired by Pierce County Executive Pat McCarthy, Port of Tacoma CEO John Wolfe and Tacoma-Pierce County Chamber President & CEO Tom Pierson. 

Friday, January 10, 2014

Rep. Smith Introduces Bill to Improve Freight Infrastructure

Today, Congressman Adam Smith reintroduced H.R. 3825, the Freight Infrastructure Reinvestment Act of 2014 (FIRA), a bill that will support improvements to infrastructure and transportation in the national freight mobility network.

“Our nation’s freight transportation system plays a significant role in our ability to grow the economy and compete globally,” said Congressman Smith.  “With our nation’s freight expected to double by 2040, it is critical to start making investments in freight and transportation infrastructure now to keep America competitive internationally for years to come.”

FIRA would establish the National Freight Mobility Infrastructure Improvement Program through the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) that would provide competitive grants to states and designated entities to improve the efficiency and capacity of freight networks.  These entities would work in collaboration with their communities to identify projects of national or regional significance and apply for the grants.  The Secretary of Transportation would award funds based on the project’s ability to improve freight infrastructure, cost effectiveness, and its economic impact. 

“Our multimodal freight transportation system is a national asset that we have failed to appreciate and support. Nowhere is this need more pressing than in the freight system that provides for our nation’s commerce,” said Port of Tacoma Commissioner Don Meyer. “Without strategic corridor investments to expand capacity and increase efficiency, U.S. productivity and global competitiveness will suffer, costs will increase and investment will lag. We applaud Congressman Smith’s efforts to make this vision of strategic freight mobility a reality.”

The legislation would fund these competitive grants through a user fee on the shipment of freight cargo within the United States.   The fee would be 1 percent of the total cost of transport and all the fees collected would go directly to the National Freight Mobility Infrastructure Fund, a dedicated source of funding for freight mobility improvement projects.

“More and more our government and business leaders are agreeing that freight infrastructure is key to economic growth and merits public support,” said Leslie Blakey, Executive Director of the Coalition for America’s Gateways and Trade Corridors. “Currently absent from the menu of transportation investment mechanisms is a freight-specific grant program and a dedicated funding source. Congressman Smith’s proposal is truly creative and we applaud his vision.”   

The bill has been cosponsored by Representative Albio Sires, Steve Cohen, and Janice Hahn and has now been sent to the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure for further consideration.

Tuesday, November 05, 2013

11/6/13 RAMP 8AM

AGENDA  -  November 6, 2013
The Fabulich Center
3600 Port of Tacoma Road; 98424

8:00     Welcome & Self-Introductions                                  
            Pat McCarthy, RAMP Co-Chair, Pierce County Executive

8:05     Point Defiance Bypass Rail Project
            David Smelser, Cascades High Speed Rail Program Manager

8:20     Sound Transit Updates:
            - Tacoma Trestle Replacement
            - Long Range Planning
            Chelsea Levy, Sound Transit

8:45     State Transportation Package
            Tom Pierson, Tacoma-Pierce County Chamber President & CEO

8:50     Round Robin

9:00     Closing Remarks & Adjourn
            John Wolfe, RAMP Co-Chair, Port of Tacoma CEO            

Next RAMP Meeting

RAMP is a regional coalition including business, labor, public and private organizations and citizens dedicated to improved mobility in the South Sound and Washington State.  Our mission is to ensure a healthy regional economy associated with the development of an effective, efficient transportation system and the resources to sustain it. RAMP is co-chaired by Pierce County Executive Pat McCarthy, Port of Tacoma CEO John Wolfe and Tacoma-Pierce County Chamber President & CEO Tom Pierson. 

Monday, June 03, 2013

6/5 RAMP 8AM

AGENDA  -  June 5, 2013
The Fabulich Center
3600 Port of Tacoma Road; 98424

8:00     Welcome & Self-Introductions                                  
            Pat McCarthy, RAMP Co-Chair, Pierce County Executive             

8:05     Federal Transportation Planning and Funding
            Charlie Howard, Puget Sound Regional Council

8:25     Puget Sound Gateway Project: SR-509
John Creighton, Port of Seattle Commissioner
John White, WSDOT
Tom Gut, City of SeaTac
Doug Levy, City of Kent

8:45     Round Robin
            Legislative Update
9:00     Closing Remarks & Adjourn
            Tom Pierson, RAMP Co-Chair, Tacoma-Pierce County Chamber President & CEO

Next RAMP Meeting

Remember to visit On RAMP
The partnership’s blog is at  New content appears on a regular basis. Guest blog postings are encouraged, contact David Schroedel for details,

RAMP is a regional coalition including business, labor, public and private organizations and citizens dedicated to improved mobility in the South Sound and Washington State.  Our mission is to ensure a healthy regional economy associated with the development of an effective, efficient transportation system and the resources to sustain it. RAMP is co-chaired by Pierce County Executive Pat McCarthy, Port of Tacoma CEO John Wolfe and Tacoma-Pierce County Chamber President & CEO Tom Pierson.