Saturday, March 14, 2009

Camera Critters #49

I love taking pictures of Trooper in the snow because his black fur shows up so well against the white snow.

Trooper was in a shady spot so I used the flash for this photo...

Unfortunately our snow is no longer white and pristine. The brown, fuzzy thing under Trooper's mouth is his teddy bear toy.

I hope everyone is having a nice weekend. Click here to see more Camera Critters!


ratmammy said...

wow, that one photo the snow looks so pristine, like you photoshopped it!

Kay said...

Trooper is adorable! You can just see his gentle personality in his eyes.

Anonymous said...

My daughter's dog has a teddy bear that he just loves to pieces...

Tink *~*~* said...

In that first pic, it's like he's saying, "Oh, is this blue thing something important? Did you want it back?" :)

Happy Critturday!
Tink *~*~*

NOW PLAYING at My Mobile Adventures *~*~* :
My Top 5 FUNky Facts About Pelicans

kayleen said...

Looks like Trooper loves his toys!

Jane Hards Photography said...

Trooper has just he most photogentic face.

Unknown said...

Oh.. I love the snow too. Trooper is quite the model even with the teddy bear props. Very cute


i beati said...

definitely a snow guy Sandy

Dianne said...

Trooper is a beauty! His fur is so clean and combed. He looks like he was having a good time

Anonymous said...

Trooper looks so happy just where he is even in the snow! Molly would almost totally disappear in the snow methinks ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

Manz said...

I'm not usually a fan of the flash - but had you not mentioned it, I wouldn't have know you used one on these.

Trooper looks terrific. The photos look like they were taken in a studio - snow + flash has worked wonders in this case.

Margaret Cloud said...

What a beautiful dog you are Trooper, hope your weekend is going good also.