Showing posts with label Old Glory Soldiers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Old Glory Soldiers. Show all posts

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Monday, October 18, 2010

Olde Colonial Coffee Sign featured in Etsy Treasury

I am so excited and blessed to be featured in this "I do my best writing when its raining" Etsy Treasury

Visit the other great selections ... it's never too early to shop for Christmas!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

North Carolina or Bust!

Well it's that time ... the movers come this month and we are North Carolina bound! Time to PCS ... that's military talk, for time for a new adventure :-)

I will be closing my website for orders, but plan to be down very little time as it is holiday season already! WOW!!

If you aren't already, make sure you are following me on Facebook because I post all of my new items and pictures there and will be doing regular drawings on some special items coming soon ...

Your business is very important to me, so if you need to reach me for any reason, please email me at

We are experienced at moving our business across country and look forward to reestablishing roots in the area, seeing old friends, and making new ones.

Have a wonderful week.

Blessings, Tina

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Goodbye eBay ....

I will be closing my eBay store, this month, marking the 4th Anniversary of my eBay store. I may occasionally list an item, but of course my website and Etsy store , plus other marketplace ventures will remain open.

eBay has steered away from providing a true feedback system, not allowing a buyer to determine if a seller is providing good customer service and on the other hand - not allowing a seller to provide accurate feedback for a customer.

The definition of feedback implies a reciprocal relationship - eBay is using the word feedback, but not the definition, giving the false impression of a "real" and "safe" marketplace, when in fact it is a money maker for those sitting in the big chairs; lining their wallets with the buyers and sellers money.

Buyers don't fool yourselves. The higher the costs to the sellers, the higher the end cost to you!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Patriotic Prizes ...

These are the signs I just donated to my favorite event!!

You can buy them right here ... The Sweet Land of Liberty 24.95 each, Old Glory Shelf Sitter 7.95 each, and the Tattered Old Glory 5.95 each; plus travel fare - exact cost, no handling fee, calculated by your location.

We love to ship to our overseas friends too!

To buy one of these patriotic tributes post a reply, email, or visit ...

To be entered in our upcoming drawing make sure you are following us on Facebook!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

New Beeswax Goodes from OGS

I have just made these beeswax goodes and introduced them at my Ezcraftshow at special prices that include shipping available through March 14.

Visit for our show special information and to find out another clue about our drawing coming soon!

Monday, December 7, 2009

AWN Holiday Treasure Hunt 2009

Army Wife Network Holiday Treasure Hunt 2009

Three Weeks of Contests! Drawings on December 7, 14, and 21st. There is still time to win ... and lots of fun too!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

NY Yankees Etsy Treasury Listing

Visit more great NY Yankee items here! For more Vintage Ticket Items see our sites or contact us for a custom design.
Have a Blessed Weeked!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Celebrating Our Country All Year Long

Happy Fourth of July! To me this is a time of Honoring those that have sacrificed and continue to do so .... a time of remembering what Our Country was founded on ....

As an Army Brat, I was raised with Red, White, Blue, and Green, all year long! We didn't put our flags out for special occasions, or shop to buy those special Red, White, and Blue crafts for those times either. It was a way of life.

It is something that as an Army Spouse, I still do today. Everyday, I Celebrate My Country! And my house is Red, White, Blue, Colonial, and Primitive! I think the Colonial and Primitive, are an obvious compliment to Americana decor, as they share the same love of Family, God, and Country. They shared respect, dedication, hard work, and honesty that it took to survive.

We have lost a lot of that in Our Country. Hard work and honesty is a forgotten virtue too many times. It is something we must teach our children, so they can teach theirs.

We must not forget the sacrifice our forefathers made for us, and that Our Troops continue to make so we may remain a Free Country!

Have a Safe a Blessed 4th of July!

We are featured in an Old Glory Treasury! Long May She Wave!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Home of the Brave Etsy Treasury Feature ...

We are Proud to be featured in this Home of the Brave Treasury

We also have been really busy with making new signs and will be adding a lot of new things to our sites soon!
Thanks for looking and have a Safe and Blessed Week!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

A Few Of Our Favorite Things ...

I really had a hard time choosing just a few!

It basically came down to what looked good together.

I have been enjoying making new labels and thought I would play around with a grouping of my offerings at the same time.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Vote for Red White and Blue Craft Off

Vote for Red White and Blue Craft Off at American Craft Guide

We have entered our Handcut, Woodburned, Wavy Edge flag. We do each by hand without a pattern so each is unique. All of the lines are woodburned by hand and we add our special touch to each edge so the flag appears to Wave! All have unique antique characteristics added.

They are finished with wire hangers; or can have sawtooth hangers if preferred. These are always popular as Patriotic gifts and home decor must haves; and are Proudly displayed in military and civilian homes nationwide and overseas. These are sealed to be Proudly displayed indoors or outdoors.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Ez Craft Show Going On Now

Visit my Craft Show Starting Today through May 13, 2009

I have some Show Specials for some of my Newest Items and the Specials Will Change throughout the Show so Check Back Often!!

Our George Washington Silhouette Cupboard Print OGS Original is on sale April 28-29! This is a great opportunity to pick up this hot seller!!
See You At The Show!
Have A Blessed Week!

Monday, April 27, 2009

New Vintage Ticket Baseball Signs

We just finished these designs for a wholesale customer and wanted to share our latest Vintage Ticket Designs!! I love these aged signs!!

You can visit our site to purchase one of these new designs or our Vintage Red Sox Ticket, or Chicago Cubs or request your own Vintage Ticket design!

Visit Us Tomorrow For More New Signs!!

Thank you and Have a Blessed Day!


Friday, April 17, 2009

We are Featured ...

I have been designing and working on retail and wholesale orders today so I have just got around to the computer and found out that we are featured!

Thank you for the honor Doris from I Play Outside the Box! Make sure you visit Doris' Etsy store for a great free Pineapple and Banana Nut Bread, a favorite recipe of her family's that she is sharing!

Have a Blessed Day!


Sunday, March 22, 2009

Another great feature

We just found out that we have been featured on Etsy ... thank you for taking a moment to visit all of the featured items :-)

Have a Blessed Week,

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Easter Spring Primitive Maze Sign and Early Beeswax Ornies

Here are a few of my Spring offerings! Visit my website for a larger selection of items or email for custom inquiries.
Prim Blessin's and Happy Spring!!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

First Lady's Address To Families and Tina's Take

"I particularly cherished my visits with military families all across the country. ... the unique challenges they face because of their families' selfless service to our country. ...

All of us can learn a fundamental lesson from our military families: You don't need to wear a uniform to serve your country. We all have something to contribute to the life of this nation."

- excerpt from First Lady's Address To Families

Tina's take ~~

We should all step forward and contribute to our community and in turn our Nation. We are at a critical time in our Nation! We have become complacent with laziness, stealing, blaming, and making excuses. We have been failing and falling behind for many years, is it any wonder that we are in the current economic state that we are in? Own your own downfallings and shortcomings and change ... or move out of the way and let those that you have been standing in the way get past. Don't stifle them. If we spend less time on blame and more times on ourselves then we will see a more productive society.

Hold the door, say thank you, smile, wave, buy someone's coffee, help someone with their groceries! Teach your children to respect their elders; but also hold places of authority accountable. This is what checks and balances are all about!

Teach your children honesty, integrity, kindness, compassion. Make sure you are approachable for anything! SADD is a great ever-evolving organization based on the changing times, that offers support and even Contracts For Life that you and your child sign. These are great tools to aid in the communication of tough subjects with your child.

We can all make a change now .... but it has to start today ... tomorrow the road will be longer to travel back.
~ Tina Shifflett, Proud Army Spouse and Brat