Showing posts with label Lucy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lucy. Show all posts

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Hot Hot Hot!!!

As a special little treat after a long over due photo shoot for my next pattern release Abby and I decided to go stick our toes in the water at Yorktown beach. We had so much fun and it was just what we both needed after walking around Yorktown in 95°F+ weather! Gosh, I cannot tell you how anxious I am for this summer to be over. Abby and I played in the sand and went exploring by the rocks to see what we could find. We were lucky to see a few jellyfish and Abby even caught a crab. Of course she insisted on bringing it home so she could show it to her brothers so we now have a crab in our menagerie. After exploring for a while and watching the sailboats and we were even fortunate enough to see a tall ship we decided to head home and relax for a while in the cool comforts of home.


Friday, July 24, 2009

A Trip To The Beach

This afternoon I got Abby all dolled up in my latest creation...can you tell that I am going through a phase of loving the 1920's? I am completely in love with all the beautiful clothes from that era. The attention to detail is just amazing. I wanted to play with different shapes and see what I could come up with. Once again this is a drop waist dress in yummy butter yellow and I used a ton of vintage lace on it and little white ribbon roses. Underneath are white dotted Swiss pantaloons trimmed out with more vintage lace and butter yellow ribbon and of course no outfit from this time period would be complete without a hat to compliment it. I had so much fun with this one and I was able to exercise a little pent-up creative energy.


Saturday, June 27, 2009

Remember "The Dream Dress"?

Well, this morning I decided to have fun with it and make it up, but in a much more modern way. It really reminds me of the 1920's flapper style, which of course, I just love! No lace, no frills and a bright and sunny print. I did trim out the bottom of each layer of the skirt with a coordinating fabric which is the same print that I made the pantaloons and the hat out of. Then I re-did the hat, but also much more scaled down and not nearly as "poofy" as the first one. So this one is much more in line with this dress. I have to say, I can't decided which way I like it better. I am contemplating if I want to make this into a pattern as I am not sure how much interest there would be in it. But I figured if I showed it done in several ways it might interest more people. I would love some of your feedback.


Thursday, June 25, 2009

More Patterns On The Way

I have been super busy the past few days putting the finishing touches on not one, but 2 new patterns to go out to my testers. The first is Peyton's Pinafore and the second is Victoria's bonnet. After posting pictures of my Dream Outfit my mailbox was just filled with requests for me to make the bonnet pattern too.

Now, I know that not everyone is into hats, especially "over-the-top" ones like the one I originally made so I made the pattern so you can make the bonnet either the original way or more scaled down version which still just as sweet.

So keep watching for a few new patterns hitting the shop in the next few weeks.




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