Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The End

Today marks the end of our summer... Tomorrow marks the begging of the 2010-11 school year. I am sad to see it end, but we tried to enjoy our last official day of summer.We went to the zoo for play group and had a great time (although I forgot my camera), as we were leaving Milo said he wanted to go to another animal place. We have a lot of zoo trips in our future with that little man. I guess that will be one of the perks of having Hannah in school all day... we won't have to either miss out on play groups or try to squish in quick trips places. 

Jeff came home while Milo and Vivien napped so that I could take Hannah over to meet her new teacher, and drop off her supplies. We were surprised to see that she didn't get her requested teacher, but she got another teacher that used to teach 1st grade. The look on the poor girls face was a combination of shock and fear, it was so sad. Luckily we read over the class list and recognized lots of names and her favorite friends from last year are with her. What am I going to do without her all day??
After naps we went to 7-11 to get a slurpee. The only downfall of the day was not being able to sit down and enjoy a family dinner together and toast to the new school year... I had to quickly pull the pizza out of the oven for Jeff to grab a slice before he ran out the door to scouts. This summer has gone too fast. It's been so wonderful and I'm sad to have our carefree days over, but all good things must end.
Here's to scheduled school days! (Who am I kidding, that doesn't even sound fun!!)

P.S. These pictures aren't from today, they are actually from our trip to Utah...
but the kids looked sort of like this... Sweaty, Dirty & Sticky


Christensen Family said...

Oh that picture of Viv!!! When did she get so old? She looks like a big girl in that pic... where's your baby? Happy 1st day of school. Can you believe one day that ALL of your kiddos will be heading off to school. What a crazy thought. Hope Hannah ends up loving her teacher!

Mimaw said...

it's a happy-sad day, happy to get a schedule back, sad that sleeping in. . . . .oh wait your kids never let you, so what the he#$ get bac to a schedule