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Showing posts with label Conversions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Conversions. Show all posts

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Gallery - Command This

This jeep will form my Salamander Command Tank (Rules from forge world Imperial Armour Vol.1 Update). It basically acts like a command team in a Chimera, issuing orders to nearby dismounted units... except without the added bonus of infantry jumping out and flaming your face. It's been converted out of a classic Ork Trukk. The way I figure it, the Orks stole it from us, so this is what it would have looked like before. Pretty much all of the bits and pieces are standard GW parts, though the driver has the steering column magnetised to make sure that it actually looks like he's driving the thing (he kept falling out!)

Sunday, 24 July 2011

Gallery - Hydras on target!

I've had a fair few comments about these chaps. Mostly because of their conversion. As I've said elsewhere, they are made using the Vulcan Megabolter from the Shadowsword kit, fashioned crudely onto the weapon mount of a Razorback which sits on the Razorback back plate attached to the rear platform. It's is an amazingly simple conversion made impressive largely by the overall look (and awkwardness of accessing the bits!)

These guys are pretty much ready to fill the skies with deadly ammo.