Tombo Hati!
Assalamualaikum wbt semua!
Pernah tak terdetik dalam hati kalian, bagaimana ya utk dpt ketenangan?
Pernah tak kalian terasa mcm nak buat sesuatu kebaikan cth mcm nak pakai busana muslimah tapi rasa tak ada kekuatan utk berbuatnya?
Pernah tak sekali rasa nak lebih lebih lebih lebih dan lebih dekat dengan Allah? (mind what is emphasized)
Well, to be honest, saya PERNAH malah SELALU rasa MACAM TU. Saya pernah tertanya-tanya macam mana nak basahkan hati. Kakak2 usrah saya pernah meminta maaf kerana tidak dapat membawa kami kepada pembasahan hati. So, i was wondering and still wondering how does one feel bila dia ada hati yang basah dengan mengingati Allah.
And the best point that i can make here comes in the form of a question. Bagaimana ya utk mengubati hati supaya hati ini sentiasa basah dalam mengingatiNya? Bila perlukan ubat maksudnya mestilah disebabkan penyakit. "Penyakit" hati boleh datang dalam pelbagai bentuk contohnya hati yang sakit rindu, sakit cinta, sakit iri, sakit sedih, sakit cemburu, sakit dendam, sakit letih, sakit putus asa, sakit cintakan kemewahan, sakit tidak bersyukur et cetera et cetera dan et cetera. It is scientifically proven as well that if we aren't content with our life and do not live in peace and serenity, there is a big possibility that we might catch "real" and physical diseases. They are interrelated, aren't they? So, macam manalah nak agaknya dapatkan ubat hati ni?! Aduh! susahnya nak cari jawapan time tu!
Here comes the story!
In a one fine and peaceful day, Allah permits me to listen to this song. I have listened to it before, but this time, it blows me a different kind of oxygen, a fresh one. I inhaled the answer to my question, simply describes what is in the Quran and reminds what the Prophet SAW has taught us.
Listen to it pretty please... ;)
It's in Java and Malay languages. its a good mixture of languages. After all, we are here to get to know with each other right?
That's all, so long good people!
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