Moms are special. The carry us for 9 months, bring us into this world and keep caring for us no matter how old we are. They know what makes us smile, how to fix everything from skinned knees to broken hearts, and keep the family traditions. They are referees, peacemakers, and our first teachers. They take care of us, where we live, where we go and what we do. They never give up on us, and are always force of nature. They are superheroes who never seem to tire or weaken. Moms are universal, we all had a mom. Moms are special.
And some are bad asses. Just ask Austin.
We've known for a long time how Austin feels about his mom. How proud he is of her accomplishments, her fight, her strength.
It's now that becomes important.
Earlier today Austin tweeted this:
This is my beautiful family! Yall, my mom is battling cancer. We need your thoughts and prayers!!!
This isn't Kay's first battle with cancer. She fought back and beat it before. She has the fight and the family to help her face it again.
This time Austin is asking for a little more help for the fight.
Some times we need to step back and put aside the little things we find ourselves getting so focused on and look at the big things, the universal things - things like moms.
Here's leaving all the stuff for a while and sending good thoughts, prayers and love Austin's and his families way.