Showing posts with label Love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Love. Show all posts

Monday, August 10, 2015

Good thoughts and prayers

Moms are special. The carry us for 9 months, bring us into this world and keep caring for us no matter how old we are.  They know what makes us smile, how to fix everything from skinned knees to broken hearts, and keep the family traditions.  They are referees, peacemakers, and our first teachers.  They take care of us, where we live, where we go and what we do. They never give up on us, and are always force of nature.  They are superheroes who never seem to tire or weaken. Moms are universal, we all had a mom.   Moms are special.

And some are bad asses.  Just ask Austin.

We've known for a long time how Austin feels about his mom.  How proud he is of her accomplishments, her fight, her strength.

It's now that becomes important.

Earlier today Austin tweeted this:

This is my beautiful family! Yall, my mom is battling cancer. We need your thoughts and prayers!!!

This isn't Kay's first battle with cancer.   She fought back and beat it before.  She has the fight and  the family to help her face it again.

This time Austin is asking for a little more help for the fight.

 Some times we need to step back and put aside the little things we find ourselves getting so focused on and look at the big things,  the universal things - things like moms.

Here's leaving all the stuff for a while and sending good thoughts, prayers and love Austin's and his families way.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Back to Love

It's all about the love for Austin

Today is a day of love. I wanna see people makin love in the streets!!!  - Aus10

or is that the streets?

I hereby solemnly swear that if the Celtics win, I will streak through the streets of Venice, to the pier, and perform an naked backflip...

Bidding starts today at 1pm EST. I will be standing on Main Street flexing my tiny biceps for the auction.

Wait isn't that kind of what people would do in the streets ?

But back to love.

Austin even tweets picture about it.

He's had Love and Debate

But you can't forget Jake who had Love &  Other Drugs

But then again how can it not be about love for them.  Look what they've had for all these years.

Who else is expecting a tweet breaking out into "Can't You Feel the Love Tonight" one day.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Love it up

..."Go to the window now. Or the roof. Or climb a tree.
It doesn’t matter.
Just get as high as you can and shout as loud as you can.
Whatever it is that you dream about.
Or whoever you love.
Yell it from the rooftops for all to hear.
And do it often.
And for Godsakes, do it at night.
Romance, people. Romance!!!”
Your faithful steed,

Sidewalks in the middle of the day in downtown Manhattan work well too. 

Go Austin Go!

Something for a Two Wheel Tuesday.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

What started back then....

Continues today.

Jake might have had a
diva? tough day on set today, there is something special about today.

It was ten years ago that Jake and Austin were at the 2nd anniversary of the Lotus Club in New York. 

Just weeks after meeting Austin is with Jake in New York, not just hanging with friends but also Jake's sister Maggie. It shows that when they fell it was fast & furious and definitely hard.

Those around them must have seen how this was the real deal, it took 7 years for more pictures to come out from that night, and shortly after their evening at Lotus, it was floated about Jake with Natalie, and then of course came Kiki.

For years,  the only picture we had was of Jake and Macaulay with a tiny shoulder that we know now is Austin. 

Then we saw in the background that familiar fellow who has been by Jake's side ever since.

And while some relationships that start out so intense, so fast, burn out quickly, theirs continues to grow all these years.

And for such a Two Wheel Tuesday,  a Two Man Two Wheeler.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

If It's.....


Just because once is never enough ....

 Who doesn't love seeing these.

Here's to seeing more.