Monday, April 21, 2008

Happy Birthday Eliza!

I wrote about the day Eliza was born. That was on Friday, the day before her birthday. It was the longest post I have written . . . and it is stuck in the draft stage on blogspot. If anyone can help me get it out - I would be grateful. I am also trying to figure out pictures on our new computer. . . so until I have more time (besides the 3 hours already put into this over the last few days). . . 

I want to tell my daughter that I love her.  She amazes me and I am thankful that she is mine. 
We celebrated her birthday Saturday by going to the North Market after her art class. Rudy was here -so that made it more special. Grandma and Grandpa VK arrived Saturday night - so we celebrated more on Sunday with a gorgeous cake from our favorite bakery in Birmingham.

Eliza received good wishes from lots of family. Thank you! The one massage that we have listened to several times - was from my Grandma Van. She sings her own special version of Happy Birthday and it makes us feel special!


Bethany said...

I've never been computer savvy, but did you try copying it and pasting it in a new post?

Sorry and good luck!

Holly Wilcox said...

Eliza is very talented. I love her artwork of Tanner. I hope we see some of her work at the Talent show!