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Showing posts with label Instagram. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Instagram. Show all posts

26 October 2012

Insta-october: our month in phone pics

A look at the past month through my phone lens...and maybe even a few September stragglers!

We went to a Brazilian steakhouse for Brett's birthday...it was delicious and a really exciting experience with 2 young children.

Craft group...more on this later!

Such a happy boy

Watching the fish in the grizzly bear exhibit at the zoo

Pausing for a rest in the grizzly bear exhibit

Maren took it upon herself to pack for Michigan during quiet time

Car riding

Pajamas for the plane

Pre-flight wrestling

Wheaton homecoming

Uncle Zach

College friends...Katie and Hannah (hi!)

Waiting for the train in Chicago

City strolling

Waiting for pizza

Giant Michigan pumpkin

Coffee with my mom

Maren playing with my little ponies...literally

Packed for her sleepover with the cousins

Sushi date!

First ballet...Cinderella!

Dancing...I think she asked to be called Jewel or Diamond or some such sparkly object

And Truett is climbing on everything

Book club reading and a charcoal mask that is so great

Again with the climbing

Winter weather cinnamon rolls
Happy October!

21 September 2012


I love looking back at my week through the lens of my phone camera...

We're still painting our kitchen cabinets...this week the island and desk got the black treatment. Brett took the afternoon off today to finish sanding the upper doors. I can't wait to have the white kitchen I've always wanted, but this is the LONGEST project in the history of projects. And it's in the kitchen, which we use all the time, so I can't try and forget about it. Ever. If you are crazy enough to decide to paint your kitchen...estimate how long it will take you and multiply that by two. Then just maybe you won't be disappointed with how long and tedious of a job it is.

Maren is very particular about what she wears. She loves this African dress from my college roommate, and wants to wear it all the time. What you can't see in this picture is the leopard print rain boots on her feet. Sweet Maren...

She still loves to play with her butterfly wings from last halloween. Thank goodness...because those things took me a long time to make. This year she's going to be a doctor...thank you Melissa and Doug for the costume I didn't have to make.

I got my new Erin Condren calendar in the mail this week...yay! And this was one of the stickers...hmmm.

I've finally been spending some time in the craft room lately...making some fun new things for fall.

I love this set...

The house is decked out for fall...although the weather hasn't quite agreed. It's been way too hot here for September. (In my opinion.) I did find a home for the chalkboard I made for our back to school pictures. I'm loving the daily reminder to praise...something I wish I didn't need to be reminded of. But I do, so I'm glad it's there.

Brett's sister is getting married this weekend, and we've got family coming to town for the big day. It's going to be a fun, busy week around here!

Happy weekend.

life rearranged

31 August 2012


It's been a...
sewing learning
city building

early morning

saggy swimming

ladies posing

statement making

cowgirl smiling

friend encouraging

zucchini growing

pizza making

retreat planning

buddies riding

airplane watching

popcorn eating

crazy hairing 
water playing

cousins tubing

moon rising

afternoon crafting

girls cuddling

sink bathing

train riding 
garden growing 
linen ironing

apple picking

boy loving

dentist going

garland making

produce abounding

morning wishing

dessert indulging

jam making

fun loving


life rearranged