1. Adding tactical combat aspects to Barbarians of Lemuria or B/X by hacking Melee. Sometimes I like to get the minis out. I have been playing 4E to get my tactical mini fix but I have pretty much lost any interest in 4E. Plus you gotta love Melee's use of hexes.
2. Giving the Mythic GM Emulator a try with either Barbarians of Lemuria or B/X. This is after reading a very interesting and well written play report of a solo (I believe) campaign using Mythic and FATE in an alternate Dragonlance campaign over at the Big Purple.
3. The forums over at Red Box Calgary have picked up a bit during the last couple of weeks. I have been very negligent about Red Box Calgary the last few months as I have been getting acclimated to my new job, coaching both of my kids in different sports, and taking some summer vacations. Hopefully, we can get some B/X gaming going down at the Sentry Box again soon.
4. Crap! I missed Scott Driver's call for players for a PBP game. I really enjoyed Mr. Driver's Thool PBP game.
5. Barbarians of the Black. Using the Barbarians of Lemuria engine for a Firefly campaign.
6. Megadungeons. I have been getting the itch to create my own megadungeon. I may post some thoughts later.