
Showing posts with label movies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label movies. Show all posts

Monday, August 24, 2009

Demographics Of The Hollywood Director

As of this year, more than 90 percent of Hollywood directors are male.

The New York Times points out the pros...

"In one respect, homogeneity among its film directors might actually help Hollywood in a business sense. Studio films, year in and year out, continue to pull in crowds worldwide at least in part because they look, sound and feel like what has gone before."

and the cons...

"Directors who are overwhelmingly of the same sex and ethnicity can hardly be expected to tap all of the cinematic potential in a rich and roiling humanity."

...of white male directors getting most of the gigs in Hollywood.

Oh, did we mention the pros again?

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Occasional Links: Mad Ideas, Watchmen, Star Trek, more

Was this Dilbert cartoon from 2005 yet another Nostradamus-type prediction for our current financial crisis?

Steven Grant on Grant Morrison & Final Crisis:
"Anyway, at this point the one remaining major comics writer who has consistently clung to and through his work championed the cause of mad ideas is Grant Morrison, who packed FINAL CRISIS with more mad ideas per square inch than virtually all other "mad ideas" comics combined. Many of them are brilliant, in their context. But as I mentioned last week, it hits such a density it becomes a virtual black hole of mad ideas, with such a gravitational pull that story can barely escape it, and then only the edges of the story are visible. Story in FINAL CRISIS isn't story, as traditionally understood in western literature, and certainly not in comics; it's the event horizon of mad ideas."

Joss Whedon says there will be no Dark Horse comic book tie-in for his new TV show Dollhouse:
"You know, the science fiction of this is much more fiction than science. Ultimately it’s actors acting differently, which is not that - Something you really need to see drawn. There is, however, CSI comic books. So I guess everything could be a comic book. But I don’t feel it lends itself in the same way that my other fictions have."

Take a look at Donald Duck's Family Tree.

Would Alan Moore be cool about this Watchmen video game?

"I'm not going to spoil it for those of you who haven't read the graphic novel, but I can at least say that while Watchmen was all about miserable people dealing with their own personal crises, the game wisely takes place before the events of the book."

Eddie Izzard set to appear in Day Of The Triffids remake for the BBC...with Jason Priestley and Brian Cox! Awesomeness!

CBS is streaming classic Star Trek (that's SHATNER TREK to you, none of that Picardo stuff) in HD on their website. Episodes include Turnabout Intruder, The Trouble With Tribbles, and Mirror, Mirror.

Just to show that fan discontent transcends just comics, pro wrestling fan takes the WWE to task and tells them to Stop The Crap. An interesting point made in the post?
"Want some free promotion? Get with the times. Allow us to embed your videos!"

A look at JLA T-shirts through the ages, with a focus on Firestorm. Found on the Firestorm Fan site, of course.
Finally, this Los Angeles promotional video from the 90s gives me hemorrhoids...and not in a good way!

I love the stuttering video effects in this. Made me want to smack that drink right out of Jack Wagner's hand.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Top Ten Movie Creeps, Jerks, Cads, and Assholes

The creep, cad, or asshole is a staple of many a film -- and his or her importance cannot be overstated.

Here are my favorite ten cinematic jerks:

10. Toht

Toht from Raiders Of The Lost Ark is a creep. He has beady eyes, he's a Nazi, and I don't like him. Plus, he provided me with one of those nightmarish visuals of my youth; only in retrospect can I take any sort of pleasure in his face melting off. Obviously, Belloq was no better than Toht and a far bigger Nazi -- but it's Toht's creamy melting visage that has caramelized its way into our collective unconscious.

9. Carter Burke

Ripley: Just tell me one thing, Burke. You're going out there to destroy them, right? Not to study. Not to bring back. But to wipe them out.
Burke: That's the plan. You have my word on it.
Ripley: All right, I'm in.

Carter Burke from Aliens is an asshole, a corporate stooge, a liar, and a coward. He can go to hell. "Mad About You" worked to lessen the stain of Burke from actor Paul Reiser for me, but only to a certain extent. I much prefer Richard Lewis.

8. Miss Hannigan

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Now, some may say that Miss Hannigan is technically a bitch, but I think "creep" goes beyond gender. As we all know, she tried to stop that adorable red-headed moppet Annie from getting adopted. But even worse, she was totally macking on Daddy Warbucks when it was clear that he should be with Grace Farrell. This is totally what creeps do. Excusing her villainy at the end and blaming it on the booze was just a cop-out, in my humble opinion, and she totally did not deserve to be in the victory circus.

7. Tom Chisum/Cha Cha DiGregorio/Leo

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These three characters from Grease are creeps -- though to be fair, Tom only was a creep because he existed, whereas Cha Cha and Leo were actively cads and assholes. (Cha Cha, technically more of a bitch) All three stood in the way of Sandy/Danny and Rizzo/Kenickie living out the awesome true love that was their destiny. However, Cha Cha has her own Barbie doll, so go figure.

6. Miss Almira Gulch

What the hell business is it of hers that Dorothy has a dog? Jesus H. Christ. Mind your own damn business! Stupid lady.

5. Jim

Jim the Jock from Edward Scissorhands is a total creep asshole. Because of him, Edward became misunderstood and had to live out the rest of his emo existence on a lonely mountain. This is what happens when creeps get involved in timeless romances. The fact that Jim used to be that nerdy guy from Breakfast Club does not in any way excuse his behavior. Screw this guy.

4. Bill Lumbergh

Lumbergh from Office Space is a creep/asshole who nonetheless has some sort of undefinable physical appeal that allows him to score with Jennifer Aniston. Perhaps she was swayed by the heady whiff of Power that emanated from Lumbergh's being. All we know is, she's a lesser person for it. * Edit: it has been pointed out that Aniston slept with a different Lumbergh, meaning that Bill Lumbergh doesn't really have much going for him except an undeserved reputation as teh result of mistaken identity. Though it must be pointed out that in real life, some of the Bill Lumberghs of the world do get surprisingly lots of action, because corporate despots/hacks can be real sexy.

3. Cal Hockley

Cal from Titanic is the type of movie asshole who is really handsome but shitty at the same time. He beats his girlfriend and totally gets cute Jack Dawson in trouble. I initially really hated Cal, but as time has gone on and I have hated this movie more and more, I sometimes catch myself hoping for an ending where Cal knocks Rose unconscious, drags her into a lifeboat, they both end up alive, and she becomes a pampered, drug-addled mother of eight unloved children who grow up to be uncontrollable proto-hippies. I think that would have been more interesting.

2. Ed Rooney

I don't know about you, but I found Rooney's obsession with Ferris Bueller to be a tad unhealthy. Somebody really needs to look into that.

1. Walter Peck

Dr Ray Stantz: Everything was fine with our system until the power grid was shut off by dickless here.
Walter Peck: They caused an explosion!
Mayor: Is this true?
Dr. Peter Venkman: Yes it's true.
Dr. Peter Venkman: This man has no dick.

Walter Peck from Ghostbusters has served for me as the template of the Asshole in not just movies but every medium. He's elitist, he immediately hates the main character because of his own insecurities, and is willing to risk the deaths of countless people just to prove a point. Yes, he is truly dickless, without dick. At least, that's what I've heard. Then again, if you had a troupe of people dressed in crazy outfits spouting out psuedo-scientific gobbledy-gook and wielding powerful energy-thingies in the middle of NYC, you too might be an asshole about it. According to the Movie Villains website:

"Walter Peck, legal representative of the Environmental Protection Agency, has a legitimate beef with the Ghostbusters. No one wants "noxious, possibly hazardous" chemicals in their neighborhood, and that's the EPA's business."

Now, what if Walter Peck was totally nice about things, but said, in the nicest way possible, that there were certain EPA rules that the Ghostbusters had to follow?

I say, Venkman still wouldn't have cooperated with him. Which brings us to the concept of Asshole Pride. At least Peck had the pride of being a total self-righteous asshole. There is a certain consistency in that. The Lucy Van Pelts of the world are, in my opinion, happier than the Charlie Browns.

Assholes are the heroes of their own stories. And they don't even know that they're assholes; because if they did, they wouldn't truly be assholes. They'd be self-loathing wishy-washies in therapy. So raise a glass to the insufferable jerks; little critters of nature, they don't know that they're ugly.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Hitler's Ghost Said To Have Cursed "Valkyrie" Movie

In other news, producers of movie "Valkyrie" desperate to promote film.

Robocop Remake: Why?

Why why why remake things that are barely of drinking age?

A "Robocop" remake by Darren Aronofsky? Really?

That's great.. I guess.

A remake of "The Crow?"


How about something -- new?

"Fuck new -- I can't get the investors to back new!"And with this sort of economic climate, you can kind of see the point of view here. Even if the Robocop remake is teh sucky, there will be a certain amount of money made -- based solely on the fact that it's Robocop™.

Hey, I heard they're going to remake "Titanic" with Miley Cyrus and that guy from "Twilight."

But seriously, you know what movie truly deserves a remake?

"Superman III" -- Skis + Richard Pryor + skyscraper = magic.

Wow, Superman III. Even at eight years old and not knowing who Richard Pryor was, I felt sorry for the man, realized something "wasn't right."

"Why are they making that man look stupid, mommy? Was he bad?"

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Ten Alternative Movie Theories: From "Ferris" to "Matrix"

Here are ten movie interpretations I have made over the years that may or may not be accepted by the general populace. (please note that some of these theories contain major spoilers!)

10. The Ferris Bueller Fight Club Theory

In this theory, the movie "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" is merely a wish-fulfilling fantasy of sadsack Cameron. Ferris Bueller is an impossibly cool character that can only exist as a figment of Cameron's imagination, everything the neurotic teen wished he could be. This includes banging Sloan Petersen.

9. The Everyone Is Gay In Batman Forever Theory

In this theory, everyone in the movie "Batman Forever" is either gay or bi. Bruce/Dick for sure. Riddler obviously has an obsessive crush on Bruce, and has zero chemistry with either of his hot female sidekicks. Two-Face: totally bi (obviously), as well as Nicole Kidman as Chase Meridian (Tom Cruise connection). Plus: rubber nipples on Bat-Costumes. (note: some people incorrectly peg the movie "Batman and Robin" as also homoerotic. This is not the case. "Batman and Robin" just sucks)

8. The Leon Probably Had Some Inappropriate Feelings For Mathilda (But Would Totally Never Act On Them And It's Not His Fault) Theory

In this theory, probably Leon The Professional did have deep down a few uncomfortable feelings for (barely) teenage Mathilda, but that he would never act on them. Instead, he sublimated those feelings into a more heroic defense of her life against the villainous Stansfield. But of course, like anybody with secret taboo sexual feelings in motion pictures, he had to totally die.

7. The Obi Wan Was Totally Banging Amidala Theory

In this theory, Obi Wan was secretly totally banging Princess Amidala, mostly because Anakin was Hayden Christensen. This is the real reason Anakin goes apeshit at the end of "Episode III." And of course, Luke and Leia are really Obi-spawn.

6. The Lloyd Dobler Unified Field Theory (Also Known As The "Dobler Effect")

In this theory, the characters John Cusack plays in "Grosse Point Blank," "High Fidelity," and "Must Love Dogs," among others, are all really Lloyd Dobler from "Say Anything." Go back and watch them. The same guy. Tell me how they're different from each other. Seriously.

5. The Nothing Really Happened In American Psycho Theory

In this theory, Patrick Bateman never really killed anybody in "American Psycho," but instead was a drug addict and also batshit insane. So nobody died, it was all hallucinations. Congratulations! You just watched the movie for NOTHING!

4. The Mary Poppins Was Totally Banging Bert The Chimney Sweeper Theory

In this theory, prim and proper nanny Mary Poppins was secretly banging Bert the Chimney Sweeper. It's clear through all their interactions that they totally did it and were just not telling anyone. C'mon, don't you know people who are totally doing it and they don't admit it but they slap each other's butts and give each other the wink-wink? Exactly.

3. The Breakfast Club John-Paul Sartre Theory

In this theory, the classic John Hughes movie "The Breakfast Club" is really just a Brat Pack version of the John-Paul Sartre existentialist play "No Exit." In both, a group of people are trapped in a room and forced to talk to each other instead of playing video games or surfing the Internet while watching TV.

2. The Incredibles Is Really Just An Animated Version of Ayn Rand Theory

In this theory, "The Incredibles" is not a family friendly harmless animated movie about a family of superheroes, but an elitist polemic regarding the oppression of the Excellent by the Unwashed Talentless Mob. Why can't Dash play sports in school? Why were the superheroes persecuted and run out of business? What was behind Syndrome's dastardly plot? Commies. Commies who reward mediocrity.

1. The Cigar Is Just A Cigar Matrix Theory

In this theory, "The Matrix" is just a science-fiction movie about some guys on a spaceship and these evil computer guys. That's it. Leave it alone.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Sex Drive/High School Musical III Mix-Up Scars Kids For Life

A movie theater in Utah accidentally ran "Sex Drive" instead of "High School Musical III," thereby exposing a room full of tweens to the evils that include Seth Green playing one of the Amish.

One angry parent wrote,

"I could not carry my little children out before they were exposed to extremely vulgar and sexually explicit material..."

Apparently, there is nudity at the very beginning of "Sex Drive."

This reminds me in third grade when our annual year-end movie was "Beverly Hills Cop." Somewhere by a third of the movie our teachers realized that this was an R-rated film. Ditto for fourth grade and a trip to see "Chorus Line" on Broadway. We were singing "Tits and Ass" on the bus ride home through the porn shops and dirty movie theaters of 42nd Street.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Mental Disability Groups Protest "Tropic Thunder"

People from the Special Olympics and the American Association of People with Disabilities have protested the opening of the new Ben Stiller comedy "Tropic Thunder," and many more are calling for a boycott of the film.

At issue? The liberal use of the word "retard" in the film -- specifically in regards to a movie-within-a-movie where Ben Stiller's character plays a mentally-disabled man.

Is this another case of PC-attitudes going amok? Or can a legitimate point be made that the word "retard" is as offensive as other words that are now mostly taboo?

Personally, I make it a point not to use the word "retard." It's just one of those words that seems kind of hurtful and ugly, even if used in the 1980s teen movie bully-picking-on-somebody sort of way that doesn't specifically refer to someone with learning disabilities.

That said, I can see that in the movie "Tropic Thunder" the point is that it's almost a cliche how actors and actresses pick parts as mentally disabled characters to establish their "cred" as serious thespians. Sometimes this turns out great, other times you get "I Am Sam" which I had to literally watch from a distance and halfway from another room because it was so corny.

But I don't like to use the word "retard," and maybe the protesters are right in so much as they suggest we give the term a second look and question its acceptance.

(I plan to watch "Tropic Thunder" eventually but really would rather see "Step Brothers.")

Monday, July 07, 2008


You will believe a man's head can be literally shoved up another man's ass. Oh yes, you will believe.

Monday, May 19, 2008

"Red Dawn" To Be Remade

Do you remember that awesome fearmongering bratpackian feat of 80s cinema called RED DAWN?

Well, MGM plans to remake it.

Now the question is: do they use Russians again as the bad guys? Or the fearmongering boogeymen du jour?

Can the Republican Party get this made before the election?

How about C. Thomas Howell? Can we get him involved?

Oh man that movie made me so paranoid as a youngster...

But the "Say You, Say Me" scene in White Nights cleansed me of my fears of a Soviet world:

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Live-Action Fraggle Rock Movie In Works

Remember Fraggle Rock? I didn't watch a lot of it as a kid, because it was on cable and we didn't have cable. But there was this video compilation I used to watch a lot.

Anyway, apparently the Weinstein Company is making a live-action movie musical based on the TV show. They said they aren't going to deviate from the format a lot -- but I wonder, since it's live-action, if that means they are going to use puppets or grown men in mascot outfits?

I'm not sure how I feel about this trend of turning old kid's shows into movies. Scooby-Doo 1 and 2 were, in my opinion, sort of unwatchable. Rocky & Bullwinkle and Garfield made me want to tear my eyes out. And the jury is still out on Speed Racer, but it's not breaking any records.

What do you think? Is Hollywood sucking our childhood memories dry?

Friday, April 25, 2008

Dark Knight Poster: Shades of the WTC?

I found this official Dark Knight poster on The Beat, and I agree with one of the comments that it brings back memories of 911.

1. Skyscraper with plane-sized hole in it in flames? Check.

2. Debris falling from building? Check.

3. Smoke pouring from top of said building? Check.

But hey, at least Gotham has Batman, right?

And best of all: no tasteless exploitation of Heath Ledger!

(it should be noted, however, that as a native New Yorker, the emergency break pulled on my subway train by a passenger with a bad case of sciatica brings back memories of 911)

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Christina Ricci On "Black Snake Moan" Marketing: "It Exploited Women!"

Starpulse reports that Christina Ricci is apparently still very unhappy with the way the movie "Black Snake Moan" was marketed:

"The way that movie was marketed was probably one of the most disappointing and upsetting things that's ever happened to me in my career. I have no interest in exploiting women any further than they've already been exploited. The whole reason I made that movie was to say, 'Oh yeah, that girl you called a slut probably went through this, so you might not want to use her and throw her away or judge her. All they (marketing bosses) cared about was college-age boys going to see it."

Specifically, she has an objection to the movie posters, which she felt missed the point of the whole film and were exploitative:

The DVD packaging gets it a little more right:

Jesus, how can you have two completely different types of copy like that?

"Everything is hotter down south"

"To save his soul, he must save hers"

Ah, I love marketing... (and badly done Photoshop!)