So Zac and I decided to meet up last month for a Paint Jam. The idea was to paint our entire backlog of models. Obviously a much too ambitious goal to actually attain. However, decent progress was made despite the inevitable burnout that would ensue.
The only time I allow unpainted models on my table
Zac hooked me up with the airbrush and I set to work base coating my Storm Talon gunship. I didn't want to coat the whole thing blue since I had a fun opportunity to easily paint in different colors. What I ended up with was a three color design i'm quite happy with.
I chose grey for the cockpit.
I taped off the back end with painters tape and painted half the tail fin white.
I'm really happy with how the blue and white turned out. I'll post again when I get the thing finished.
I also had some old Khorne Berzerkers laying around.
Now for the stuff that actually got finished. I wanted to paint a Blood Raven since I've been playing Dawn Of War III like a madman.
Yes, that relic boltgun was a "gift" from the ultramarines.
"I'm with stupid."
Lastly I managed to finish up two chainsword guys for my command squad. All in all it was a pretty fun time. Zac got quite a few things painted too. Anyway, thanks for reading!