Entry One:
Pemuda UMNO Lancar Blog "Saka Bangsa"Pergh.... semua politikus dari pemerintah nak join buat blog. Dulu sebelum PRU blog ni rubbish bak kata seorang menteri. Tapi sekarang pemuda depa pun buat blog " nak menangani tohmahan2 di alam cyber yang melibatkan dot dot dot"
Jom kita lawat apa yang menarik kat
Saka..memang ada apa pada nama
"SAKA yang dimaksudkan oleh kami ialah PUSAKA, WARISAN atau PENINGGALAN. Ianya diambil bersempena dengan nama bendera UMNO iaitu SANG SAKA BANGSA.
Walaubagaimana pun, setelah diteliti kembali, dan oleh kerana perkataan SAKA bagi masyarakat Melayu kebiasaannya dikaitkan dengan unsur negatif, hantu, polong dsbnya, maka kami beranggapan memang 'ada apa pada nama'.
Justeru, pihak kami akan menukar perkataan SAKA kepada satu perkataan yang lebih sesuai di dalam konteks yang sama."
Aiks baru lancar 10 Jun, 11 Jun buat rebranding dah?....
Eloklah tuh.......
Entry Two:Artikel yang menarik. Kredit to
Sdr Fudzail
Obama's Job Hunting LessonsHere, we take a look at some of the reasons why Barack Obama has been effective in his quest for his next great job. By observing how Obama ran his campaign against Hillary, we can learn some valuable lessons that can help when looking for that next career move.
Build The Tallest BuildingThere are two ways to get the tallest building in town. One is to build the tallest building, the other is to knock down everyone else's.
From my perspective, Obama put his message across in a very positive way, focusing on his strengths. Hillary's campaign, on more than one occasion, laid into Obama quite heavily.
In your next interview, resist the temptation to knock your current or former employers, colleagues or competitors. Instead, focus on your strengths and what you can do for the company in the new position. Your message will be sharper and you will be more likely to be remembered as someone that the can add value.
Show PassionPassion and commitment can help win through over experience.
Although Hillary is by far the more experienced candidate, Obama's passion and commitment helped him to win.
Just as important as "can the person do the job" is "will the person do the job".
In other words, does the person have the motivation to get the job done efficiently and effectively.
Demonstrating passion for the position and commitment to the company shows the employer that you're motivated to achieve.
On many occasions while in recruitment I have seen the most qualified and experienced person not get the job due to a lack of energy and passion.
Be 100% Honest All Of The TimeHillary was in the lead earlier in the campaign. She fell behind at around the time she grossly exaggerated her experience of being in a war zone.
The bottom-line is that on average we are on this planet for around 76 years. People need to be able to trust us to employ us and to do business with us. Having a clear conscience also helps to free our mind, which helps us to focus on what we can do, not what we have to make up or cover up.
Have A Clear, Consistent MessageObama's key message is very memorable: "Change we can believe in". I'm not even sure what Hillary's was. Most times I saw Obama on the news he was accompanied by a poster showing the line "Change we can believe in". He's driving his message home firmly and backing it up"