Showing posts with label anniversary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label anniversary. Show all posts

Thursday, March 14, 2013

8 years together

Dear Love,
Thanks for the wonderful years and memories that you have given me. Being deeply loved by you gives me strength and courage. May we fall in love each other, again and again. Happy 8th Anniversary!!!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Teaser : Universal Studio Singapore

hye....arini baru dpt update....i baru balik berhoneymoon...hehehee...xlah...jalan2 jer...celebrate 2 birthday n wedding anniversary....sonok....'tq papa, bawak momma n aqeef berjln2'...bercuti 3d2n kat JB n Singapore.....3 june - 5 june...awesome!!...mlm td pun smpi kul 12 midnite...ngantuk lah arini...camno nk wat keje?...hehehe...pendrive  pun lupa, satu gambar dulu yer....have a nice day!!!

gamba phone nih....nanti i update pasal Universal Studio Singapore yer...

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


* Entry Sticky Post *

hi uolls...i tgh berbunga2 nih..feeling honeymoon sudah marii.....oh, honeymoon la sgt.....actually anniversary dah nk smpi dah.....kejap je kan?...dah nak masuk 3 thn im married youuu.....oklah sempena 3rd anniversary i nih....i nak wat giveaway....haa!!!1st giveaway youu.....

ok, semalam kemas2 cabinet...terjumpe lak key chain yg beli kat bali 3 thn lepas....heheheee...i g honeymoon kat bali....syok giler time tuh....bile la leh g bali lg kan?, citer2 nih rindu dah kat bali...camno?....i nk ajak my hubby celebrate anni ke-5 kat bali nanti lah...kenapa bukan next year?....sbb next year nk buat projek besar....hahahaa....opss....jgn gelak jahat....arini kan pose!!!

ok....meh sume2 readers....including YOU...yes, my silent readers out there....heheheee.....tah ader tah tidak....bersempena anniversary i nih...i nk bg 6 key chain, 3rd anni patutnye 3 je la kan?..xpe2...i double up key chain..biar ramai org join...hehehe....boleh gituu....ok, senang jer caranyer....

1. you kena jadi my follower....:) of course la kan...tq ^__^

2. tinggalkan ur blog url kat komen.....then nanti i akan listkan ur url ikut first come first serve.....^__^

3. pemilihan no akan dipilih oleh Aqeef...nanti i gulung nombor2 then suruh dia pilih 6 nombor....aci tak?...

itu sahaja...senang je kan?.....ok, giveaway berakhir 5 jun 2012...ha...byk masa lg nih...

ok...last skali meh i letak satu gamba bali...auuwwww....rindu bali n rindu i time tu...belum 'membesar' lg....huhuhuuu....

oh my, how i missed this moment!!!sob sob!!to my hubby..jom kite repeat honeymoon kat bali nih..hehehee...

Friday, June 1, 2012

Hello June!!!

it's 1st june today!!!cepatnye masa i mmg suka bulan june....sgt suka...

1. sbb hari jadi i...oh, best!!!!

2. sbb june is our wedding anniversary.....lagi berganda seronok!!!

hope my june will fulfill with happiness, and love will always spread in our life....insyaAllah....

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