Jackson became a man today. He took that step that will allow him to truly enjoy life, live life, impress girls, and get into heaven. We are what you might call the proudest parents around. It's kind of a big deal....if you like bikes that is. I kinda like bikes so I'm given him props. We've been practicing ever since we got back from Utah whenever the humidity didn't make it impossible for Jackson to hold onto the handle bars due to the gallons of sweat that were pouring from my head. Running behind a bike all hunched over holding onto the seat is hard enough without 100 degree weather and 100% humidity but I made the sacrifice. Yeah, I'm a pretty awesome dad. Anyways, so proud of the J-Man.

Olivia was in on the action and will soon be well on her way to riding her own 2 wheeler.

It was hot and the red faces and sweaty heads were earned the best way possible...under a bike helmet. Now let's just hope they don't become one of those weird dudes that ride unicycles.
way to go, jacks!!
max tried it for a day and then begged for his training wheels to be put back on. hmmmm. haha!
boy i sure don't miss the MO humidity!
woohoo...and his hair grew back:) he is jackson again!
That's a milestone to be proud of. That sweaty picture of them is so cute...would've been even better with the sweaty T in there, too.
My bro-in-law can ride a unicycle AND juggle, all while wearing a clown costume. I'm not even joking. And he's rad:)
Way to ride Jackson!
woot woot!! way to live up to the family creedo jackson - you are awesome!
that is a big deal - i remember conquering that milestone and it's true... that is when the men started to flock my way - you better put a couple extra locks on those doors since jackson is already a hot item not to mention out numbered by the women.
oh how i miss seeing those cute faces in person!
So when is his first race?
Oh Man! Too bad we're so far apart, Noah just learned too! He's already hit a garbage can and a parked car:)
Aim, hope your not feelin TOO crappy!
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