Showing posts with label McKai. Show all posts
Showing posts with label McKai. Show all posts

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Little hiking adventure

We have spent just under a week fighting so little cold in our house...heading out explore was a perfect . We went on a short walk and the babies found hundreds of yuccas. It was so funny to hear them get excited about them cause really they are all over.
It feels so good to get out in the sun shine and run around :)

Friday, February 14, 2014

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Mac @ 4

Is the most tenderhearted , sweet natured kid
Is a perfectionist and bawls when things don't go right
Super fast runner
Is finally potty trained!

Thinks its funny when he hides...the more I panic the more he giggles until I find him

Squishes his face up when he is thinking about something

 He is devastated when he gets into trouble
Has the cutest little turned in foot
Loves to be outside
He changes his outfit at least 3x a day
Best buddies with Kambrie
...he calls her Kamie Jo
Favors his Daddy, goes everywhere with him
Very sensitive
Hates jeans or pants of any kind
Idealizes he brother Kase, Sleeps in the same bed and tickles his back while he sleeps
Has the best laugh.....its more like a squeal
Still loves his little lego guys, ninjas and all little characters

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Whos your favorite by mac

#1 ninja
#2 ninjago
#3 baseball
#4 power rangers
#5 kase
#6 football

Friday, June 28, 2013

Mac at 3.5

If he says something mean and he sees your sad he says your awesome
Still needs his blanket to fall asleep and rubs the corner on his lips

Thinks all kids his age are his best friend and cries when they leave
Gets down in football stance whenever you say ready set hike!

Looks up to Kase and follows him everywhere
Throws pretty darn good

Is very active busy little kid
Fights like cats and dogs with Kambrie or teams up to destroy anything in the house
Started drawing these cute little stick figures

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Mac at 3

Says gosh dang it when he is mad....hilariously cute!

Was so very excited for the new baby :/
Is one kindhearted kiddo

Has a personality larger then life, you cant help but fall in love with him.

Has no interest in potty training

Loves all sports

Very curious

Likes healthy food...veggies and fruits but LOVES burgers

Has the cutest little button nose and squinty eye smile

Loves to help Dad

Started not listening and obeying
Is very pensive and watches peoples expressions intently