Showing posts with label George Clooney. Show all posts
Showing posts with label George Clooney. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

I'm Wishing on a Star - Maybe George Clooney?

Northern California is having a DROUGHT. The overlords of the water have been using this excuse for a number of years to validate raising our rates. But this time it is TRUE! We have not had much water at all over the past year (no matter how much I complain about every drop coming from the sky) - and now the reservoirs are drying up.

So I am wishing on the most powerful star I know - George Clooney - to help end our drought. Send us SOME rain, soon!  If anyone can help, I am sure he can.

Stella and the other Three Little Pugs added to our growing ONE HUNDRED list.


And the rest of the list is:
  1. Wesley McPoodleton suggested more HAPPINESS
  2. Idaho Pug Ranch also suggested more HAPPY THOUGHTS
  3. Jessie Jane suggested 100 days of Sunshine the Cat (not gonna happen)
  4. Southern Fried Pugs suggested 100 HAPPY THINGS
  5. Susie and Sidebite suggested more HAPPY THOUGHTS
  6. Frank the Tank suggested more HAPPY THOUGHTS
  7. Mommy #1 suggested 100 NOODLES' FACTS (blush)
  8. Angel Payton, Donald and Daisy's Gampy suggested 100 days of Bloggerville HAPPY/FUNNY/SUPPORTIVE posts
  9. Frankie Furter and Ernie suggested 100 THINGS WE (mostly dogs, but pets) LOVE TO DO
  10. The Slimmer Pugs suggested 100 THINGS NOODLES LOVES TO EAT
  11. Lucy from Feeling Beachie suggested MORE BREAKFAST (I assume she means 100)
  12. Jessie Jane has amended hers to 100 NOODLES ADVENTURES
  13. Susie and Sidebites has amended theirs to 100 THINGS NOODLES DOES TO MAKE US SMILE
  14. Casey suggested 100 DAYS OF ADVENTURES
  15. One Hundred Inspirational Thoughts
  16. One Hundred Words that Mean Happy
  17. One Hundred Good Deeds
  18. One Hundred Ways to Brighten Someone's Day
  19. One Hundred Simple Pleasures