Showing posts with label Apologia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Apologia. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 05, 2013

New blog title and address

I decided after a couple of years and at a possible inconvenience to both of my readers that I should change the name of my blog to: "Non angelus, sed Anglus."

The reason for the name change are:

1.  Latin blog names are cool. 
2.  It's true. 
3.  It amuses me.
4.  Because I can. 


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Apologia Pro Blogga Nostra

There are hundreds of blogs already in existence, so why another one?

This blog purely exists in order to be a place for me encourage, inspire and amuse. The subjects will be diverse but the tone will always be positive. It may be that you won't share my sense of humour or attitude to life but you are welcome to drop by and comment at any time.