Showing posts with label Dubai. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dubai. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 25, 2013


Baru2 ini EMB pergi Dubai ada training/course lebih kurang seminggu mcm tu dia kt sana.  We all tak ikut lah, masa tu baru balik dr UK penat pun tak hilang lagi.  Lagipun bukan school holiday.  Takkan lah the kids nk tuang sekolah pulak.  Tak pe, biar EMB pergi dulu...tgk2 tempat menarik next time boleh bawa we all pergi pulak masa Dubai Shopping Festival!

Some photos he sent to me...

Some souvenirs he bought for me...

oh, yg ni special request...

Some toileteries he brought back for me..

I asked him to collect all these...shampoo tu byk gunanya...nk cuci tudung semua pakai shampoo lah!