Showing posts with label Hungary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hungary. Show all posts

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Balkan Futourist-Ding Deng Dong LP 1988

Balkan Futourist was a cool short-lived, but very dance-oriented new wave/underground group in the end 80s in Hungary. They released only LP in 1988, and later (around 2009) the 1grecords released again the same album, but with different tracklist and with 2 bonus tracks.
The LP version of Ding Deng Dong is totally rare nowadays, and i couldn't upload the LP version, just the re-released different version. Enjoy!


01. Arcomon ablak (Window on my face)
02. Nem vagy olyan (You're not a such...)
03. Welcome to AIDS
04. Ahogy bámulod a kirakatokat (As you looking the shop-windows)
05. Meglátod majd (You will see)
06. Geng (Gang)
07. Világsláger 2. (Hitsong no. 2.)
08. Néha (Sometimes)
09. Dira Magrait
11. Bolygók (Planets)
12. Nyilvántartanak (They register you)


Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Atlantis- legendary Hungarian beat/rock pioneers 1965

Not punk or new wave music, but this EP collection is one of my favorite from the 60s. This band - Atlantis - was the one of the greatest Hungarian beat/pop band between 1965-1966. Their first EP released in early 1965, and it was the first Hungarian beat record. They had just cover songs (from Beatles, Beach Boys, Johnny Kid and the Pirates, ecc.) but these stuffs were better than the original songs! And they had lot of cool instrumental songs, like Atlantis Rock - it's fantastic!
These album is a unofficial EP collection of the band from 1965-1966. They never released LP, just EP-s until 1971, but after 1966 their EP became shit... The band split up in 1971.


01. Should have known better (Beatles)
02. Hindu dal (instr.)
03. Shakin' all over (Johnny Kidd)
04. Atlantis rock (instr.)
05. Rock and roll music ( Beatles)
06. Trubadúr parafrázis (instr.)
07. What do i say? (Ray Charles)
08. A dongó (instr.)
09. Woolly- Bully ( Sam and the Sam)
10. Don Quijote (instr.)
11. Hold me ( Little-Oppenheim)
12. Szöcske (instr.)
13. Do you want to dance? (Beach Boys)
14. Little Honda (Beach Boys)
15. Bits and Pieces (Dave Clarke Five)
16. Miért vagy szemtelen?
17. Ki ölte meg Kennedy-t?
18. Henry VIII. (Hermann Hermits)
19. Michelle (Beatles)
20.Inside Lookin' Out (Animals)
21. At the scene (Dave Clarke Five)

01.-04. : 1st EP 1965
05.-08. : 2nd EP 1965
09.-12. : 3th EP 1966
13.- 16. : 4th EP 1966
18.-19. : single 1966
17. ; 20. ; 21. ; recorded at radio in 1966


Friday, 13 January 2012

88-as csoport- rehearsalroom video 1985 (not full)

Here is the rare video from cool Szeged punk/oi band, 88-as Csoport! Enjoy!

Monday, 2 January 2012

Kontroll Csoport- The last concert 15.05. 1983

Control Group split up in the middle of 1983... Cool Hungarian new wave/underground band formed in 1980. They made some rehearshalroom tapes and one high quality demo in early 1983, but unfortunately, they couldn't released LP during the 80s. After the system-changes, the underground record company, Bahia released some Control Group recordings.

This recording is their last concert with their 1982-1983 songs in a good quality! Enjoy!


01. Ez az ami kell (That what is need)
02. I am you
03. Az ember minden nap csak felkel (Every day the people just getting up)
04. Gettó (Ghetto)
05. Édes álom (Sweet dream)
06. Bétaville
07. I wanna burn
08. Egy hang a rádióból (The voice from the radio)
09. Eladom (Sell everything)
10. Johnny Rotten
11. Anyád (Your mother)
12. Polak-Wenger
13. Halálos szerelem (Deadly love)
14. Jól van jól (Well, well)
15. Anti-Baby
16. Nem akarom elvenni a kedvedet (I don't wanna spoil your mood)
17. Annál jobb itt (It better here)
18. Hol vannak a régi álmaim (Where is my old desires?)
19. Kis piros bombázó (Little red bomber)
20. A zene mindenkié (The music is for everyone)
21. Ma háború van, holnap béke (Today war, tomorrow peace)
22. Besúgók és provokátorok (Spies and provokers)
23. Ez a fajta (This kind of people)
24. Félelem háza (House of fear)
25. I am you

Sunday, 25 December 2011

Európa Kiadó-Love '82 1982 (on CD 1997)

Love 82 is a very good Európa Kiadó demotape from 1982. One of my favorite early Hungarian new wave stuff, with cool post-punk/synth music and with a dark/depressed lyrics. Ideal situation report from 80s Hungary!


01. Turista (Turist)
02. Nem vagy olyan jó ( You are not a such as good)
03. 33 nevem volt (I had 33 names)
04. Lehet (Maybe)
05. Nincs sok időd (You have no time)
06. Európa Kiadó
07. Fiatal magyarok (Young hungarians)
08. 3 Judit 4 Zsuzsa
09. Szabadíts meg (Set me free)
10. Mocskos idők (Dirty times)
11. A birodalom visszavág ( The empire is hit back)
12. M avagy egy város ( M or the city)
13. Rendőrlány (Police girl)
14. Bon Si Bon

Friday, 30 September 2011


Here's the official new wave compilation from the State Record Company from 1983 with some silly new wave/synth/underground artists.
This record re-released in the 90s with another bonus tracks, so i uploaded this version. Enjoy!


01. GM49- Kötöde (Knitting Shop)
02. Sikátor- Peronoszpóra (Peronospora)
03. Torma- Dalolj (Sing!)
04. Satöbbi - Milyen is neked... (What kind of your...)
05. Fórum- Csak az a biztos (Only that safe)
06. KFT-Szobanövény (Roomplant)
07. GM49- Bélát itt ne keressék (Don't search Béla here)
08. WU2- A szomszéd lánya nem zavar (The neighbour's daughter don't disturb me)
09. Balkan Tourist- A szaturnusz gyűrűje (Ring of Saturnus)
10. Trabant (this song is out of order)
11.Tejbezrí- Kudarc (Failure)
12. KFT- Kincses kalendárium (Treasure calendar)
13. Satöbbi - Róma (Rome)
14. Laár/Galla - A nő kövér (The women is fat)
15. Spenót- Szamba (Samba)
16. Torma- Mosolyalbum (Smile album)
17. Ági és a Fiúk - New York


Thursday, 29 September 2011

Ági és a Fiúk- Live at Ikarusz 1985

Ági és a Fiúk (Ági and the Boys) was the underground project of former Kontroll Csoport (Control Group) female singer, Ágnes Deák Bárdos. They had only 7" in 1987, called: New York, New York. But they could released some albums in 90s. Here's the rare bootleg from 1985. Enjoy!


01 - Miért igy (Why so?)
02 - Deja vu
03 - Nem érdekel (I don't care)
04 - Extasy drive (Nina Hagen cover)
05 - Igazi élet (Real life)
06 - Igazi élet II (Real life, part 2)
07 - New York
08 - Véget ér (Break up)
09 - Vágy és szenvedély (Desire and passion)
10 - Jelek a földön (Signs on the Earth)
11 - Vegsö szenvedély(The last passion)
12 - New York
13 - Pest az én Párizsom (Budapest is my Paris)
14 - Ugorjak, vagy ne ugorjak (Should i jump or not?)
15 - Miért így (fele) (Why so?)

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

A Cég - demo 1986

A Cég ( The Firm ) was a Hungarian underground/new wave band in the mid 80s. I don't know more infos about this band, just one : the bandmembers had two idols : Sex Pistols and Rolling Stones.

Here's their rare recording from 1986, enjoy!


01. Vasárnap éjjel (Sunday evening)
02. Forró zene (Hot music)
03. Extasy Drive (Nina Hagen cover)
04. Idegen (Alien)
05. Este (Night)
06. Álom (Dream)
07. Utazás éjszaka (Travel at night)
08. Szörnyeteg szerelem (Monster love)
09. Chattanooga-Choo-Choo
10. Boldog békeidők (Happy peaceful times)
11. Átvezetés (Extension)
12. Rock and Roll Swindle
13. Jaj de jó! (So good!)
14. Nem vagyok (I'm not be)
15. Rock and Roll sztár (Rock and Roll star)
16. Kalandjaim, ha lennének... (I wish i had adventures)
17. 1985


Sunday, 7 August 2011

KFT-Macska az úton LP 1982

Here is the first KFT LP, Macska Az Úton (Cat on the street) from 1982. I wrote some months ago about this LP: "Early KFT was a very good new wave band, their first 2 LPs are absolutely good new wave stuffs. KFT founded in 1981, and the band played on "TOP SONG FESTIVAL 1981" with the song : "BÁBU VAGY" called in English: "You are the puppet". This song became a very popular new wave song in Hungary in early 80s. In 1981-1982 the band used make up, therefore they looked like a crazy punkband.

Lot of Hungarian new wave band didn't released any recording during the 80s, but the KFT is yes! Their first LP called "Macska Az Úton" ( Cat on the street), became a very unusual Lp in early 80s Hungary. When lot of Hungarian rock bands singing about teenage life-feelings e.g. "I was your kid" or "I leave the town", the KFT have puritan, simple topics and lyrics like "Tea", "House plant", "Greetings from Budapest". "

Really cool new wave LP, i just recommend to you!


01.Elmúltak Az Ünnepek (The celebrations passed)
02.Budapesti Anzix (Greeting to Budapest)
03.A vonat (The train)
04.Telefon (Telephone)
06.Szép szolidan (Just in pretty and solid)
07.Macska az úton (Cat on the street)
08.Ugatnak a kutyák (The dogs are barking)
09.Szunnyadó város (Sleeping town)
11.Izgalom (Excitement)
12.Jóéjszakát (Good night)

Városbújócska soundtrack 1985 (cassette)

Városbújócska (Hide and seek) was a Hungarian movie from 1985. I couldn't get this movie yet,
but band Európa Kiadó played in this movie. Here is the soundtrack tape, with lot of instrumental song from the movie and some mid 80s EK songs!


01. Igazi hős (Real Heroe)
02.-04. Instrumentals
05. Budapest
06.-09. Instrumentals
10. Romolj meg! (Be spoiled)
11. Instrumental
12. Marlon Brando
13.-14. Instrumentals

Saturday, 6 August 2011

Trabant-Eszkimó asszony fázik 1984 RE-UPLOAD

Trabant was a interesting new wave band in Hungary in the early 80s. They never played in concert, instead of they just made a demo recordings. The band released only EP, Eszkimó asszony fázik(meaning Eskimo woman feel cold) in 1984. This EP was a soundtrack EP, and the name of the movie agree with EP name. Eskimo woman feel cold was a great film, the Trabant bandmembers are performed in this movie. This film speak about 2 men and 1 beautiful sexy woman(she was the Trabant singer). One of us man is dumb and the second man is a succesfull piano artist. Both of men fall in love with the sexy blondie woman, and the woman love both of men... It's a difficult story, with Trabant music... In this movie, we can watch a bit sex, we can watch difficult circumstances of life and we can listen new wave musics... It's a great film!

in picture: Trabant in "Eskimo woman feel cold" movie


  1. Tangó (Tango)
  2. Itt van, pedig senki se hívta (He is here, but nobody called him)
  3. Ragaszthatatlan szív (Unstick heart)
  4. Napszúrás(Sunstroke)
  5. Instrumental


Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Európa Kiadó-Popzene LP 1987

Here's the new post! This first EK LP is one of my favorite end 80s Hungarian LP (next to the first Sexepil LP). This LP called Popzene (Popmusic): strange LP name, but it wasn't a pop shit. There are 8 cool new wave/underground songs with some typical 80s synth effects. My two favorite songs from this LP: Küldj egy jelet (Send me the sign) and Toporzékolok (I'm flinging).
Very good LP, enjoy!


01.Popzene (Pop music)
02.Küldj egy jelet (Send me the sign)
03.A szem és a száj (The eyes and the mouth)
04.Elmentek a fiúk (The boys go away)
05.Toporzékolok (I'm flinging)
06.Romolj meg (Be spoiled)
07.Ez a város ( This city)
08.Minden eltörölve (Everything is clear)


And original idiotic videoclip to song Küldj egy jelet.

Sunday, 24 April 2011

KFT-Üzenet a Liftből/Fodrász LP 1983

Early KFT was a very good new wave band, their first 2 LPs are absolutely good new wave stuffs. KFT founded in 1981, and the band played on "TOP SONG FESTIVAL 1981" with the song : "BÁBU VAGY" called in English: "You are the puppet". This song became a very popular new wave song in Hungary in early 80s. In 1981-1982 the band used make up, therefore they looked like a crazy punkband.

Lot of Hungarian new wave band didn't released any recording during the 80s, but the KFT is yes! Their first LP called "Macska Az Úton" ( Cat on the street), became a very unusual Lp in early 80s Hungary. When lot of Hungarian rock bands singing about teenage life-feelings e.g. "I was your kid" or "I leave the town", the KFT have puritan, simple topics and lyrics like "Tea", "House plant", "Greetings from Budapest".

In 1983, the band released their second LP called "Üzenet a Liftből/Fodrász" (Message from the lift/ The barber).
Maybe this LP became better than the first! More new wave synthpop stuffs, and more post-punk tones! Songs like "Fodrász" similar to Neue Deutsche Welle style with cool synth effects.
Song "Üzenet a liftből" like a cool The Police influenced "white reggae" with a good guitar solo. Song "Valami mocorog " also similar to one of Police song from Regatta De Blanc.
But You can listen some post-punk songs too like : "Milyen kegyetlen a szerelem" and "Állatkert".

This record stay fresh todays too, if you listen this LP, you don't feel old 80s feelings.



01.Milyen Kegyetlen Egy Szerelem (How the cruel the love)
02.Állatkert (Zoo)
03.Aki Bújt, Aki Nem (
04.Üzenet A Liftből (Message from the lift)
05.Valami Mocorog (Something stirring)
06.A Fodrász (The barber)
07.A Pénztárcámat (My purse)
08.A Lány, Aki Nincs (The girl who was not)
09.A Tükör (The mirror)
10.Indul A Hinta (The swing is starting)


Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Első Emelet-Amerika/Noteszember 7" 1983

Here's the rare first Első Emelet single with still another singer and very new wave influences music. Good stuff!


01.Amerika (America)
02.Noteszember (Paperboy)


Thursday, 20 January 2011

Első Emelet-1. 1984

They was very commercial and very mainstream, but their first LP was a cool commerical Hungarian new wave/pop stuff.

Első Emelet (meaning: First Floor) started in 1982 with another music and members. The band was a very popular Hungarian band between 1984-1990. In early period they played punk influenced music but after one year they changed and they started a pop/synth/new wave influenced music. In 1983 they released first 7" (called: "Noteszember/Amerika"-
Paperboy/America) with another singer. In 1983, they changed the singer and they released their first LP in 1984.

What my opinion about the LP?
This LP still cool and funny, there are 12 synthpop and Kajagoogoo and Duran Duran influenced songs with funny and idiot lyrics. The image of the band was totally gay, like the Kajagoogoo...
After the first LP they became a more popular and more commercial, and their lyrics became more idiot... I don't like their late period, but this LP is cool!
The lot of songs speak about a typical teenage things or desires, and some songs just funnies.

E.g. lyrics of song "Amerika":

"This is the place
Where everything sale
This is the country
Where you can get everything
This is the place where you can buy the happiness for dollars!
Chorus: The commercial is shout me:
The commercial is shout me,
and i go to the shop,
it doesn't matter how much is it,
let mine be only!...."


01.Önarckép (Self-Portrait)
02.Dadogós break (Stammering break)
03.Sivatag (Desert)
04.Nézelődünk (We looking)
05.Rémálom (Nightmare)
06.Vannak dolgok (Some things)
07.A dolgok közepében (In the middle of the things)
08.Óvatosan lépkedj (Walk carefully)
09.Tilalomfák (Prohibition things)
10.Középkori házibuli (Middle-aged Party)
12.Amerika (America)


I have a advice for you: if you listen this stuff, you don't lose anything, but i don't recommend another LP from this band,because thats simple shitty....

Monday, 13 December 2010

Rolls Frakció- unknown bootleg 1983

Here is the new post. Sorry but i have no enough time to my blog, just you know, the blog is live! But here is the rare bootleg from cult Hungarian new wave band, Rolls Frakció .
I don't know where made this bootleg... maybe in Balatonfüred in 1983.
Maybe it was the one of the last concerts of the band, because the band split up in 1984.

But in this bootleg, the quality is totally good, and the band played very raw like the punk band, there are 19 tracks and there are good and funny critism between the songs!



01.Bérház (Block)
02.Bordám között kasza (Scythe between my rib)
03.A városban ahol élek (The city where i live)
04.Lakótelep (Block of flats)
05.Széles tágas a tér (Wide wide square)
06.Nem változott semmi (Nothing changed)
07.Magyarország (Hungary)
08.Lányok térnek meg (Girl comes)
09.Budapest felett (Over Budapest)
10.Mérgeskígyó (Poison snake)
11.Izzik a tavaszi délután (Hot spring afternoon)
12.Adj helyett (Give me a place)
13.Fogyasztói társadalom (Consumer society)
14.Jólét (Welfare)
15.Belvárosi üvegház (Central skyscraper)
16.Robbantgatunk, rabolgatunk (We just damage, we just rob)
17.Fejezetek (Chapters...)
18.Hétköznapi tégla (Daily spy)
19.Villamos (Tram)


Friday, 26 November 2010


This is my advertisement on the blog. With one of my friend i will make a 70s-80s new wave party in 02. February, 2011.
It won't be a concert, rather like the new wave/punk "disco", we will play original and true new wave hits!
It will be a totally free party. We prefer these kind of new wave styles next to the punk:
  • early 80s synthpop
  • Neue Deutsche Welle (West German new wave)
  • Post Punk
  • New Romantics
  • Yugoslavian new wave
So, this party will start 8.00 PM!


Szeged, Kölcsey u. 4.
SZTEage Club

If you want, come on !

Saturday, 13 November 2010

Punk concert in Youth Park, Budapest 1984

In summer 1984 five punkband Aurora (still with female singer), Marina Revue, Tizedes meg a Többiek, Rizikó Faktor and Galopping Coroners played in Budapest Youth Park. Should have played Kretens ,but they were delay 2 hours, therefore they didn't perform. Funny isn't it? So, here's the bootleg of this concert unfortunately without Rizikó Faktor and Galopping Coroners tracks. Formerly i had these tracks, but unfortunately i lose it. I uploaded 2 rare pictures too: 1. picture: band Rizikó Faktor in Balatonszemes rock camp 1984, 2. picture:Rizikó Faktor again in Youth Park concert 1984.


Tuesday, 12 October 2010

WYX-Lie, Lie, Lie/Association SP 1983

WYX- this band is a not a true punkband, it was a short-lived music project of the KFT singer András Laár.
They released this interesting 7" in 1983. This single there are 2 songs. First song, "Lie,Lie,Lie" is a fast and angry punk influenced song, and the second song, "Association" is a very post-punk influenced song. You can listen another WYX song on the rare "START 1.2..3..." sampler. Very cool and very rare record! Enjoy!




Saturday, 18 September 2010

Re-Upload: Inkubátor-Live 1982

Inkubátor(meaning:Inqubator) was a punkband between 1981-1982. Sorry for bad picture but i didn't find any picture about this band(i made with my mobilephone...). This tape is a bad quality live recording, maybe from early 1982... Typical look intellectual but angry lyrics.
And it's very interesting, because they played a popular Lavina song, Elizium.
I upload again, because the link was dead...


01.Búcsúzni kell (We must farewell)
02.A családnak vagdalthús kell (Family needs minced meat)
03.Ásd el magad! (Bury yourself!)
04.Becsukják az okosokat (Intellectuals go to prison)
06.Nem kell semmi (We needn't nothing)
